Jasper County Illinois Board Meeting Minutes
June 9, 2005

The Jasper County Board met Thursday, June 9, 2005 at 7:30 p.m. with all members present. Sheriff Ed Francis called the meeting to order, Chairman Ed Mitchell led
the members in the Pledge to the Flag. Chairman Mitchell asked for public comment, there was none.

Road and Bridge Committee Chairman Lawrence Pilman reported on monthly activities of the Department and various bridge projects progress.

Sheriff’s Committee Chair Jerry Kinder told the Board that replacement of the front door at the jail is being done, the wheelchair ramp has had temporary repairs made
and ways to make permanent repair being discussed. Kinder informed the Board that Sheriff Francis has learned that a grant application made by his office was
successful, he will receive $20,000 towards purchase of a new 4-wheel drive vehicle for use by his Department.

Finance Committee Chairman Rex Woods reported that his Committee has discussed the Sheriff’s grant award and the proper handling of those monies, were
presented with payroll changes for the month and discussed a proposed veteran’s memorial for the Courthouse lawn that a citizens group has proposed. Woods
presented the 2005-06 prevailing wage ordinance for Board approval. Motion to adopt this ordinance was made and seconded by Jerry Kinder and Rex Woods,
motion carried on a roll call vote with all members voting yes save Phil Jensen, Dale Haskett and Joe Bierman who cast no votes.

Woods then asked the Board to abate the County’s share of property tax on the County owned Mines and Minerals building. Motion to abate was made and seconded
by Rex Woods and Joe Bierman, carried on a roll call vote with all members voting yes save Randy Milliman and Brian Leffler who cast no votes.

Woods reported that sponsorship fee of $50.00 for Post Oaks Flats RC&D area are due. Jasper County Soil and Water District paid the fee on behalf of the County
last year. Motion to pay $50.00 sponsorship fee to Post Oaks Flats was made and seconded by Bill Weber and seconded by Jim Weber, motion carried on a roll call
vote with all members casting yes votes save Brian Leffler who voted no.

Chairman Woods presented a chart and letter from County auditor Brian Leffler of Kemper CPA concerning the state of County finances in the County Corporate

A GIS update was given to the Committee by Supervisor of Assessments Paul Woods.

Building Committee Chairman Phil Jensen reported that granite plaque has been installed in the Northwest corner of the County office building in the area of the old
night deposit box. Reported in greater detail the community project of placing a veteran’s memorial on the Courthouse lawn, donations will be used to fund the project.
Jensen has several pictures and drawings of the proposed memorial. Jensen asked the Board for approval to place the monument on the Courthouse lawn at no cost
to the County. Motion to grant permission to citizen’s group to have placed on the Courthouse lawn a veteran’s monument with the County Building Committee to
approve the area of placement on the lawn. Entered and seconded by Brian Leffler and Jerry Kinder, carried on a voice vote.

Chairman Jensen told the Board he had no update on the Courthouse bathroom project, he has not been able to contact the project architect. He further reported to
the Board that the temporary repair to the wheelchair ramp at the jail will need attention and will be addressed this summer.

Ambulance Committee Chair Joe Bierman reported on monthly activities of the service.

EMA Committee Chair Jerome Kistner reported that Emmet system, an emergency system provided by the State to the County at no cost, has been installed at the
dispatch center of the Jail. Reported that McClure Signs has lettered the new EMA trailer at a cost of $278.00. Kistner told the Board that Coordinator Long wishes to
attend an “exercise design” class in Springfield, cost being $150.00 which will be reimbursed from State monies. Motion to allow Long to attend this seminar was made
and seconded by Jerry Kinder and Brian Leffler, carried on a roll call vote with all members voting yes.

Economic Development Committee Chairman Bill Weber told the Board this Committee was exploring ways of financing a full time director for economic development.

The Board heard a proposal from the GIS Committee will be forthcoming at the next meeting of the Board.

County Clerk’s office monthly report was submitted by Chief Deputy Jasper County Clerk Linda Griffith Huth. Motion to approve was made and seconded by Jerry
Kinder and Jim Weber, carried on a voice vote.

Chairman Mitchell reported that City Council meeting minutes is in each member’s packet of information, Congressman Shimkus will be in the Board room to meet the
public on June 16 and that the Health Department’s sponsored tire collection project collected 7,683 tires.

Motion to approve minutes of  meetings was made and seconded by Jerry Kinder and Randy Milliman, carried on a voice vote.

Motion to allow claims against the County was made and seconded by Lawrence Pilman and Joe Bierman, motion carried on a voice vote.

Motion to adjourn was made and seconded by Bill Weber and Brian Leffler, motion carried on a voice vote.

Linda Griffith-Huth, Chief Deputy County Clerk

Jasper County Illinois Board Meeting Minutes
July 14, 2005

The Jasper County Board met in regular session Thursday, July 14, 2005 at 7:30 p.m. All members were present save Jerry Kinder. The meeting was opened at 7:30
p.m. by proclamation of Jasper County Sheriff Ed Francis. Chairman Ed Mitchell led the members in the Pledge to the Flag. Chairman Mitchell asked for public
comment, there was none.

Jeannie Wagner, representative of Jasper County Homefront, came before the Board to give some information concerning this organization. She told the Board some
confusion concerning this organization and the group that has organized to purchase a veteran’s memorial. There is no connection to the two, donations made to
Jasper County Homefront is used solely for the purpose of giving aid to Jasper County members of the armed forces. She gave a brief overview of the programs her
organization provides for armed forces members.

Road and Bridge Chairman Lawrence Pilman reported on monthly activities, reported the Loves Ford Bridge is now open to traffic and the Bogota Road will be striped
in its entirety once the south end construction project is completed. Howell Paving was the low bidder for that project at a bid of $555,731.79. All but $7,500 is State
and Federal monies.

Sheriff’s Committee member Brian Leffler reported for that Committee told the Board that window security screens for windows at the jail has been constructed and
are being weatherproofed, security cameras have been installed at the jail and grant monies for Sheriff’s vehicle have been received.

Colin Russell and Jerry Johnson, Bruce Harris & Associates representatives, gave a presentation to the Board concerning the current GIS project and also a
proposed additional program for that project that would assist the Supervisor of Assessment’s office with farmland assessments and enable that office to fulfill Bulletin
810 requirements. Cost of that additional program is $30,000. Supervisor of Assessments Paul Woods reported funding for that program would come from fees
collected by the County Recorder’s office, gave the members information showing fees that have been collected and projections for future collections. He told the
Board that Harris’ company would finance the cost of this program however the Board wished at no interest. Motion to approve purchase of this additional program
from Bruce Harris & Associates at a cost of $30,000, finance over a period of time to be determined later. Entered and seconded by Joe Bierman and Jim Weber,
motion carried on a roll call vote with all members present casting yes votes save Brian Leffler who cast a no vote.

Finance Committee Chairman Rex Woods reported that director of the Post Oak Flats Resource, Conservation and Development office came to his Committee to give
and overview of the RC&D and what they could offer Jasper County. Woods told the Board that the Committee along with the Road and Bridge Committee, are
contemplating abolishing the CIPS Road Repair Fund and absorbing those monies along with that liability into the County Highway Fund.

Building Committee Chairman Phil Jensen reported that a bee swarm at the Courthouse has been treated by Arab Pest Control, repairs are being made to the wheel
chair ramp at the jail, phone line for custodian’s use has been installed in the Courthouse basement, the outside basement door at the Courthouse needs repair, and
the custodian wishes to pressure wash the north porch floor at the Courthouse. Jensen told the Board that he has been in contact with representatives of the architect
for the bathroom project at the Courthouse and will meet with them in the near future. Jensen also reported that the August meeting of the Committee has been
changed to August 8th at 9:00 a.m. Board member Dale Haskett questioned the progress of the proposed veteran’s memorial for the Courthouse lawn. He told the
Board that a report has been made in the local paper that the project has grown in size and he wished to have more information. The Board agreed to contact the
backers of this project and invite them to the August Board meeting for more information.

Ambulance Committee Chairman Joe Bierman reported that the new ambulance has been delivered, bids were taken for monies and interest to finance the unit.
Peoples State Bank of Newton was low bidder at interest rate of .0395% for 3 years, $102,000 financed. Motion to accept Peoples State Bank bid was made and
seconded by Rex Woods and Bill Weber, carried on a voice vote.  Bierman then told the Board that the Committee wished the Board to approve donation of the oldest
ambulance to the Jasper County EMA for their use. Motion to approve donation to EMA was made and seconded by Phil Jensen and Brian Leffler, carried on a voice

EMA Committee Chair Jerome Kistner told the Board that the EMNet Computer has been installed in the dispatch center at the Jail, Jasper County Fair Board has
donated $1,000 to EMA and that the Department has accepted liability for the emergency helicopter-landing zone.

Animal Control Committee Chairman Jerome Kistner reported that he has contracted with Superior Fuel for LP gas at the animal control facility for this year’s heating
at $1.30 per gallon. He told the Board that the Committee had addressed some dispatch issues and contractual time off for the animal control officer. Certification of
the officer is being investigated; the Committee is considering meeting with village officials concerning prosecution of their animal control ordinance violators. He told
the Board that additional road gravel is needed at the facility and the County Highway would provide that.

Economic Development Chairman Bill Weber told the Board that his Committee is investigating use of University of Illinois Extension Service funding for additional
office time for the Economic Development Director.

Land Use Chairman Dale Haskett reported that work has begun again, the Committee is seeking names of the public to serve on an advisory Committee for land use

County Clerk’s monthly report was submitted by County Clerk Ray Diel. Motion to approve was made and seconded by Lawrence Pilman and Jim Weber, carried on a
voice vote.

Chairman Mitchell appointed Craig Harris to a 5-year term as North Fork Drainage District trustee. Motion to approve was made and seconded by Lawrence Pilman
and Jim Weber, carried on a voice vote.

Chairman Mitchell appointed Dale Haskett and Pat Burtch to 2-year terms to the Jasper County Board of Review. Motion to approve was made and seconded by
Lawrence Pilman and Joe Bierman, carried on a voice vote.

Chairman Mitchell appointed Jeanine Huddlestun-Johns and Mary Meinhart to the Jasper County Health Board. Motion to approve these appointments was made and
seconded by Joe Bierman and Jerome Kistner, carried on a voice vote.

A motion to approve meetings minutes with a correction to June Board minutes. Change is to correct “County auditor Brian Leffler” to “County auditor Brian Bradbury.”
Phil Jensen and Jim Weber moved and seconded, carried on a voice vote.

A motion to allow claims was made and seconded by Dale Haskett and Randy Milliman, carried on a voice vote.

A motion to adjourn at 9:30 p.m. was made and seconded by Bill Weber and Brian Leffler, carried on a voice vote.

Ray Diel, Jasper County Clerk

Jasper County Illinois Board Meeting Minutes
August 11, 2005

The Jasper County Board met in regular session Thursday, August 11, 2005 at 7:30 p.m. Present were Chairman Ed Mitchell, Rex Woods, Bill Weber, Jim Weber,
Brian Leffler, Randy Milliman, Dale Haskett, Lawrence Pilman, Joe Bierman, Jerome Kistner, Jerry Kinder and Phil Jensen.

Sheriff Ed Francis opened the meeting at 7:30 p.m. by proclamation; Chairman Mitchell led the members in the Pledge to the Flag. Chairman Mitchell asked for public
comment, there was none.

Jeanette West came before the Board to update them concerning the proposed veteran’s monument project for the Courthouse lawn. Spoke of scheduled
fundraisers. Told the Board that they are making every effort to raise enough monies for the project through fundraisers and trying to avoid asking for private

Road and Bridge Chairman Lawrence Pilman reported the Bogota Road project is scheduled to begin August 23, bids were let for the Airport Road project.

Sheriff’s Committee Chairman Jerry Kinder told the Board that his Committee is exploring ways of alleviating overcrowding in the dispatch center at the Jail.

Finance Committee Chairman Rex Woods reported that this Committee had examined and approved semi-annual reports of the Sheriff, Treasurer and County Clerk’s
offices. They will examine the Circuit Clerk’s report at their September meeting. Woods told the Board that his Committee has been in contact with the County auditor
regarding abolishing the CIPS Road Repair Fund and merging that with the County Highway Fund. The auditor has advised the Committee that this would be
permissible, monies from that fund should be transferred to the County Highway Fund. Motion to abolish the CIPS Road Repair Fund and transfer monies to the
County Highway Fund was made and seconded by Phil Jensen and Lawrence Pilman, motion carried on a voice vote. Woods further reported that all closed session
minutes have been examined and opened to the public. Told the Board that budget work will begin at the September meeting of the Committee.

Building Committee Chairman Phil Jensen reported that work on the wheelchair ramp and handicap parking area at the Jail has been completed, security covers for
windows at the jail installed, water damage to the wall in the County Board meeting room has been repaired. Told the Board that the County’s insurance carrier has
inspected County facilities and only minor infractions were cited. The north porch floor and steps at the Courthouse will be power washed by the custodian, repainted
if needed. Changes or repairs to the east door leading to the Courthouse basement are being contemplated.

Jensen reported that a used 500-gallon propane tank has been located, that tank would be installed at the animal control facility. Cost of the tank is $375. Motion to
make purchase of that tank at a cost of $375 was made and seconded by Lawrence Pilman and Rex Woods, carried on a roll call vote with all members present voting
yes save Jim Weber who cast a present vote.

Jensen further reported that Board member Randy Milliman addressed the Committee concerning overcrowding problems at the dispatch center at the County jail and
the fact that the Ambulance Department will need housing within the next 3 to 5 years. He also told the members that the September meeting of the Committee would
be September 2nd.

Ambulance Committee member Jerome Kistner reported that this Committee is discussing housing needs of this Department. Told the Board the new ambulance has
been placed in service.

Chairman Mitchell told the Board that he was creating a Committee to begin investigation of ways to address the housing needs of the Dispatch center and the County
Ambulance Department. He appointed Building Committee Chair Phil Jensen, Ambulance Committee Chair Joe Bierman, Sheriff’s Committee Chair Jerry Kinder and
Finance Committee Chair Rex Woods to this special Committee. Board Chairman Mitchell will act as Chair of this Committee.

EMA Coordinator Doug Long told the Board that a tabletop disaster exercise would be held August 30th at Newton Community High School.

Animal Control Committee Chairman Jerome Kistner reported on monthly activities of the officer, told the Board that the State has inspected the pound facility and no
deficiencies noted.

Economic Development Committee member Jerry Kinder reported that the enterprise zone expansion has been approved by the State.

County Clerk Ray Diel presented his monthly office report. Motion to approve was made and seconded by Jerry Kinder and Jim Weber, carried on a voice vote.

Chairman Mitchell appointed Ray Kautz to a 3-year term as trustee of the Captain Pond Drainage District. Motion to approve that appointment was made and
seconded by Lawrence Pilman and Jim Weber, carried on a voice vote.

Chairman Mitchell presented information on a leadership conference in Springfield for the Board’s information.

A motion to approve meetings minutes was made and seconded by Jerry Kinder and Dale Haskett, carried on a voice vote.

A motion to allow the claims was made and seconded by Lawrence Pilman and Phil Jensen, carried on a voice vote.

A motion to adjourn at 8:30 p.m. was made and seconded by Bill Weber and Brian Leffler, carried on a voice vote.

Ray Diel, Jasper County Clerk

Jasper County Illinois Board Meeting Minutes
September 8, 2005

The Jasper County Board met in regular session Thursday. September 8, 2005 at 7:30 p.m. Present were Lawrence Pilman, Joe Bierman, Jerome Kistner, Jerry
Kinder, Phil Jensen, Chairman Ed Mitchell, Jim Weber, Brian Leffler, Randy Milliman and Dale Haskett.

The meeting was opened by proclamation of Sheriff Ed Francis. The Chairman of the Board led the members in the Pledge to the Flag. Chairman Mitchell asked for
public comment, there was none.

Lee & Rhonda Klier addressed the Board concerning the proposed veteran’s monument to be installed on the Courthouse lawn. He reported that the monument is on
order and will be delivered in the next several days, footer for the monument has been poured. Monies have been nearly raised for the monument; they thanked the
Board for their help in this project.

Road and Bridge Committee Chair Lawrence Pilman reported on monthly activities of that Department, the Committee is working on 05-06 fiscal year budget. He told
the Board that a tractor and mower is budgeted for next year’s purchase and that Newton Tractor has a low hour used unit that is for sale and that unit would be
sufficient for the Department’s use. Newton Tractor has agreed to allow current delivery of that unit to the Department with payment issued in December, the new
fiscal year budget. The Department would trade a currently owned John Deere tractor. Total cost to trade for the New Holland tractor and mower is $69,800. Pilman
told the Board the Committee would recommend Board approval of trade with payment issued from 05-06 budget. Motion was made and seconded by Lawrence
Pilman and Joe Bierman to purchase 2004 New Holland tractor and ditch bank mower, trade of John Deere tractor, at a cost of $69,800, current delivery with payment
made from 05-06 budget. Motion carried on a roll call vote with all members’ present casting yes votes.

Pilman then reported that the Bogota Road and Airport Road projects would begin in October.

Solid Waste Committee Chair Jerry Kinder reported that the Committee is establishing bank accounts and budgets for the Solid Waste Department outside the
Corporate Fund due to the newly voted tax for that operation.

Sheriff’s Committee Chairman Jerry Kinder reported on monthly activities, grant monies received for squad car and bulletproof vests received.

Finance Committee report was submitted by Committee member Phil Jensen. Told the Board that the Committee has begun budget work, examined and approved the
Circuit Clerk’s semi annual office report and that the Committee has heard the Supervisor of Assessment’s office copy machine needs replaced at a cost of $3,000.
Motion by Lawrence Pilman and Jerry Kinder to purchase copy machine from Miller Office Supply at a cost of $3,000 for the Supervisor of Assessment’s office.
Carried on a roll call vote with all members’ present casting yes votes save Milliman and Leffler who cast no votes. Jensen further reported that the Committee has
notified each Department head that has budgets in the Corporate Fund that their 05-06 budgets must have no net gain in expense over last year’s budget.

Building Committee Chairman Phil Jensen reported that this Committee heard that the jail had State inspection, the jail roof has leaked and the Committee is
addressing the problem, the north porch of the Courthouse has been powerwashed and repainted by the custodian. He told the Board that the custodian sometimes
needs to work some overtime, the Committee empowered the Chairman of the Committee to approve needed overtime prior to the event. Jensen told the Board that
Bill Utz of Hance, Utz & Associates, architect for the Courthouse bathroom project, has this project ready to bid. Jensen further reported that the Committee has
created 05-06 budget for County buildings and asked the Board to approve use of County facilities for Fall Festival being held September 16 & 17. Motion to approve
use of facilities for the Fall Festival was made and seconded by Joe Bierman and Lawrence Pilman, carried on a voice vote. Sheriff Francis thanked the Building
Committee for repair and improvements to the handicap parking and ramp at the Jail.

Ambulance Committee Chair Joe Bierman reported on activities at that Department.

EMA Chair Jerome Kistner reported that grant funds have been applied for, Coordinator Long has attended IEMA conference in Springfield, asked the Board the
reimburse the Coordinator for lost wages while attending this conference. Motion to approve reimburse lost wages to Doug Long for attendance of IEMA conference
was made and seconded by Jim Weber and Jerome Kistner, carried on a voice vote. Kistner further reported the Committee has approved purchase of two portable
radios at a cost not to exceed $1,000 and that table top disaster exercise has been held. Motion to approve purchase of two portable radios at a cost not to exceed
$1,000 was made and seconded by Jerome Kistner and Randy Milliman, carried on a roll call vote with all members voting yes.

Animal Control Committee Chairman Jerome Kistner told the Board that the joint City-County Committee had heard a presentation from Stephanie Tracy, affiliated with
Crawford County animal control, concerning recently enacted legislation requiring licensing and regulation of dogs. This Committee will meet with State’s Attorney
William Hoffeditz to further discuss the requirements of this legislation. Kistner also reported that the Committee had approved purchase of a live trap for use by the
animal control officer at an estimated cost of $240. Motion to approve this purchase was made and seconded by Brian Leffler and Lawrence Pilman, carried on a roll
call vote with a all members present casting yes votes.

Committee member Jerry Kinder reported for the Economic Development Committee. Met with Tom Henderson of DCEO concerning the City and County enterprise
zone. Told the Board that Jasper County has two sites being considered for the bio-diesel plant and that the Committee is investigation update of the County website.

Land Use Committee Chair Dale Haskett reported that this Committee had met with several members of the public to discuss this issue and discuss forming an
advisory committee from these members of the public.

County Clerk Ray Diel presented monthly County Clerk’s office report. Motion to approve was made and seconded by Joe Bierman and Jim Weber, carried on a voice

County Clerk Ray Diel presented information to the Board concerning mandated handicap voting equipment for each precinct in the County. He told the Board that
the Help America Vote Act has mandated this but has also provided monies for purchase of the equipment. He told the Board that application to the State Board of
Elections for those monies must be made by the County Board. He asked the Board to approve purchase of such equipment whenever it would become available and
to make application to the State Board of Elections for reimbursement on behalf of the Board. Lawrence Pilman and Joe Bierman moved and seconded to direct the
Jasper County Clerk to make purchase of HAVA approved handicap voting equipment when it becomes available, make application for reimbursement of purchase
cost of that equipment to the State Board of Elections on behalf of the County Board and to further comply as necessary with the Help America Vote Act. Motion
carried on a voice vote.

Board Chairman Ed Mitchell presented annual update to the County’s comprehensive economic development plan that was done by South Central Regional Planning.
Motion to adopt and approve was made and seconded by Joe Bierman and Brian Leffler, carried on a voice vote.

Chairman Mitchell appointed Kenneth Trimble to a 5-year term, Jasper County Housing Authority. Motion to approve this appointment was made and seconded by
Lawrence Pilman and Jerry Kinder, carried on a voice vote.

Chairman Mitchell appointed Donald Ochs to a 3-year term as Ste Marie Drainage Trustee. Motion to approve the appointment was made and seconded by Jerry
Kinder and Brian Leffler, carried on a voice vote.

Chairman Mitchell appointed Dwight Sappenfield to a 3-year term as Mint Creek Drainage Trustee. Motion to approve the appointment was made and seconded by
Jerry Kinder and Dale Haskett, carried on a voice vote.

Jerry Kinder and Jim Weber entered a motion to approve meetings minutes, carried on a voice vote.

Phil Jensen and Dale Haskett entered a motion to allow claims against the County, carried on a voice vote.

Jim Weber and Brian Leffler moved and seconded to adjourn at 9:00 p.m. carried on a voice vote.

Ray Diel, Jasper County Clerk

Jasper County Illinois Board Meeting Minutes
October 13, 2005

The Jasper County Board met Thursday, October 13, 2005 at 7:30 p.m. with Chairman Ed Mitchell, Phil Jensen, Lawrence Pilman, Bill Weber, Jim Weber, Jerry
Kinder, Dale Haskett, Joe Bierman, Brian Leffler, Randy Milliman and Rex Woods present. Absent was Jerome Kistner.

Chairman Mitchell led the members in the Pledge to the Flag. He asked for public comment, Howard Riley addressed the Board in regard to the City of Newton and
TIF districts. Leon Haack addressed the Board concerning all terrain vehicle use on public roads. He told the Board that use of ATV’s by farmers for their business is
extensive and that provisions should be made to allow that use on County roads.

Road and Bridge Chair Lawrence Pilman reported that the Bogota Road upgrade project is completed, total cost to the County for that project was $4,450. He
thanked County Engineer Dick Patterson for his work on that project that resulted in the little cost to the County for the project. He told the Board that the Airport Road
soil cement project is progressing and that the recently purchased mower tractor has been delivered, the mower is on order.

Solid Waste Chair Jerry Kinder told the Board that the City of Newton has requested assistance from the Solid Waste Department in disposing of an old landfill that
was discovered during excavation of the new sewer plant site. He told the Board that upon additional information, this Committee agreed the scope of the project was
too large for the Department to handle.

Sheriff’s Committee Chair Jerry Kinder reported on monthly activities, front door at the jail has been installed; the auto purchased through grant monies should be
delivered soon.

Finance Committee member Phil Jensen reported on 2 meetings of this Committee. Budget work was the main focus of both meetings; he told the Board that the
Health Department has agreed to an administration fee being charged to that Department for bookkeeping and payroll services. Fee shall be $15,000 annually. Told
the Board the Committee wishes to increase fee charges for Court Security purposes, those monies will be used to help offset increased costs at the Sheriff’s
Department. He reported the Road and Bridge Committee is contemplating increasing County Engineer monthly auto allowance due to increase in fuel costs. Jensen
told the Board that the Committee has completed budget work, spoke to the difficulties in balancing the Corporate Fund portion of the County budget.

Building Committee Chairman Phil Jensen reported on 2 meetings of this Committee. The Committee has received and examined blueprints and plans for the
bathroom project at the Courthouse; bids for that project were opened October 5th. Jensen told the Board that he and Board Chair Mitchell have met with the judge
for schedule of work around Court needs. Jensen reported that the Chamber wishes permission to use the Courthouse lawn 5 Friday nights prior to Christmas for
various activities and for Veteran’s Day activities. Motion by Jerry Kinder and Brian Leffler to allow use of the Courthouse facilities for these activities, motion carried
on a voice vote.

Jensen told the Board that the new veteran’s monument has been installed on the Courthouse lawn, the group that promoted that monument has proposed that they
sandblast and paint the cannon on the north lawn at no cost to the County. Motion by Brian Leffler and Randy Milliman to allow this group to remove the cannon from
the premises, sandblast and paint and return to the Courthouse lawn when finished. Motion carried on a voice vote. Jensen further reported a water usage of over
27,000 gallons of water at the office building, no leak was discovered. He told the Board that his Committee is investigating installing an electric valve that would shut
the water off to the building after hours. He further reported that drain problems have been experienced at the office building and the Committee is addressing that

Jensen then reported on the Courthouse bathroom project. An asbestos study has been done on the two rooms, no asbestos was found. Bids were opened October
5th, 4 bids were received. Kieffer Brothers of Mt Carmel, Grunloh Builders of Effingham, Grunloh Construction of Effingham and John Flach Builders of Teutopolis.
Jensen explained the various options contained in the bids, told the Board that the Committee would recommend adopting the low bid submitted by John Flach
Builders of Teutopolis at a bid cost of $79,100. Motion was entered and seconded by Jerry Kinder and Bill Weber to accept and award Flach Builders of Teutopolis
bid of $79,100 for bathroom work at the Jasper County Courthouse. Motion carried on a roll call vote with all members voting yes.

Ambulance Committee Chairman Joe Bierman reported on monthly activities, also reported on life safety inspection of County buildings and the few recommendations
made from that inspection.

Animal Control Committee member Lawrence Pilman reported on rabies vaccination program, the State has adopted legislation concerning registration of dogs and
cats, the State’s Attorney has been investigating that program. State’s Attorney Hoffeditz addressed the issue; he told the Board he is trying to discover if the
legislation is permissive or mandatory. If the legislation is mandatory, he has a draft ordinance prepared for County use.

Insurance Committee Chairman Phil Jensen reported that the County would receive a dividend from the insurance carrier, the ICRMT, in the amount of $11,160.
Renewal rates for County coverage is $208,103. Motion to renew County insurance coverage with the ICRMT for premium cost of $208,103 was made and seconded
by Phil Jensen and Joe Bierman, carried on a roll call vote with all members present voting yes.

Economic Development Committee Chair Bill Weber reported on enterprise zone usage, meeting with bio-diesel project representatives and other activities. Told the
Board the Committee is investigating partnering with the Extension Service to provide a full time coordinator to the County and City.

County Clerk’s report was submitted by County Clerk Ray Diel, approved on a voice vote after a motion and second by Rex Woods and Jim Weber.

Chairman Mitchell presented tentative copies of the 2005-05 fiscal year County budget. Asked for tentative approval and placement on public display. Motion by
Lawrence Pilman and Joe Bierman to tentatively approve and place on public display the 2005-06 fiscal year County budget. Motion carried on a roll call vote with all
members present casting yes votes.

Chairman Mitchell appointed Marci Street to a 3-year term to the Jasper County Board of Health. Motion to approve that appointment was made and seconded by
Jerry Kinder and Jim Weber, motion carried on a voice vote.

Chairman Mitchell presented a resolution of support for a federally funded prototype power plant to be located in Southern Illinois. Motion to adopt this resolution was
made and seconded by Brian Leffler and Bill Weber, carried on a voice vote.

Motion to approve the meetings minutes was made and seconded by Joe Bierman and Jerry Kinder, carried on a voice vote.

Motion to allow claims against the County was made and seconded by Jim Weber and Phil Jensen, carried on a voice vote.

Motion to adjourn at 9:10 p.m. was made and seconded by Bill Weber and Brian Leffler, carried on a voice vote.

Chairman Mitchell reminded the Board that meeting time would change to 7:00 p.m. next month.

Ray Diel, Jasper County Clerk

Jasper County Illinois  Board Meeting minutes
November 10, 2005

The Jasper County Board met Thursday, November 10, 2005 at 7:00 p.m. with all members present. The meeting was opened by proclamation of Sheriff Ed Francis.
Chairman Mitchell led the members in the Pledge to the Flag. He asked for public comment, Dr. Howard Riley reported that he has researched the history of the
cannon on the Courthouse lawn, it is of World War 2 vintage.

Road and Bridge Chair Lawrence Pilman reported that the Airport Road will have the final oil and seal coat applied in spring of ’06, the Committee recommends that
the Board approve purchase of a grinder attachment for the backhoe at a cost of $11,049. Motion to approve this purchase was made and seconded by Jerry Kinder
and Bill Weber, carried on a roll call vote with all members casting yes votes.

County Engineer Dick Patterson presented motor fuel tax maintenance resolution for County roads in ’06, resolutions for the Hunt City and Shamrock roads, both in
the amount of $80,000, resolution to do soil cement on the Long road in Grandville township and a bridge aid petition from North Muddy Road District in the amount of
$5,000. Motion to adopt and approve these resolutions and petitions was made and seconded by Jim Weber and Brian Leffler, carried unanimously on a roll call vote.
Board Chairman Mitchell thanked Patterson and the Highway Department for their work on the parking area of the TPS building.

Sheriff’s Committee Chairman Jerry Kinder reported on monthly activities at the Department, presented a Court Security fee increase resolution for Board
consideration. Increase that fee from $15.00 per filing to $25.00 per filing. Motion by Jerry Kinder and Randy Milliman to approve carried unanimously on a roll call

Finance Committee Chairman Rex Woods told the Board that some slight changes to the budget that was submitted last month have been made, animal control
expenses moved out of the miscellaneous budget into a separate budget, increase in election costs, increase in income to offset those costs. The Circuit Clerk’s office
is experiencing copy machine problems, that machine will be replaced if troubles continue. Woods told the Board that the Committee has approved a second payment
of claims during November due to the fact this is the last month of this fiscal budget.

Building Committee Chairman Phil Jensen told the Board that wireless internet connections between the office building and Courthouse need replaced, cost to do so
is approximately $1,150. SDS Computers, Effingham will do that work. Motion to approve was made and seconded by Brian Leffler and Jerome Kistner, carried on a
roll call vote with all members voting yes. He told the Board repairs are being made to the east basement entry doors at the Courthouse, drain problems are still be
experienced at the office building and that the Committee is contemplating removing a mercury vapor light at the office parking area due to the cost of electricity.

Ambulance Committee Chair Joe Bierman reported that he would like a closed session to discuss personnel, 7:35 p.m. Motion to enter closed session at 7:35 for
personnel reasons was made and seconded by Rex Woods and Lawrence Pilman, carried on a roll call vote.

Motion to leave closed session at 8:10 was made and seconded by Jerry Kinder and Brian Leffler, carried on a roll call vote.

Bierman then reported on monthly activities of the Department.

EMA Chair Jerome Kistner reported on table top disaster simulation that has been held the helicopter-landing zone has been discussed, assistance of various law
enforcement agencies was reported.

State’s Attorney William Hoffeditz told the Board he has requested an opinion of the Attorney General concerning new animal control legislation and that no action on
County ordinances should take place until this opinion is issued.

Economic Development Chair Bill Weber reported in progress on the proposed riverboat and soydiesel projects. Reported the Committee is investigating partnering
with the Extension Service to provide a full time economic development director.

County Clerk Ray Diel presented his office’ monthly report, Jerry Kinder and Rex Woods moved and seconded to approve, carried on a voice vote.

Chairman Mitchell presented the 2005-06 fiscal year County of Jasper budget for Board consideration. After discussion, a motion to adopt as presented was made
and seconded by Jerry Kinder and Lawrence Pilman, carried on a roll call vote with all members casting yes votes.

Chairman Mitchell reminded the members to file committee service claims with the County Clerk by December 1, 2005.

A motion to approve the meetings minutes as presented was made and seconded by Joe Bierman and Jim Weber, carried on a voice vote.

A motion to allow claims against the County was made and seconded by Lawrence Pilman and Phil Jensen, carried on a voice vote.

A motion to adjourn at 8:45 a.m. was made and seconded by Bill Weber and Brian Leffler, carried on a voice vote.

Ray Diel, Jasper County Clerk

Jasper County Board
December 8, 2005

The Jasper County Board met Thursday. December 8, 2005 at 7:00 p.m. with all members present save Rex Woods. Sheriff Ed Francis opened the meeting by
proclamation; Chairman Ed Mitchell let the members in the Pledge to the Flag.

Supervisor of Assessments Paul Woods came before the Board to discuss changes in non-farmland assessments. He gave each member a fact sheet concerning
such told the members that his office would send a reassessment sheet and questionnaire concerning use of such land by the landowner prior to reassessment.

Road and Bridge Chairman Lawrence Pilman reported on gravel and culvert bid lettings, cost of such increased approximately 11% over last year. County Engineer
Dick Patterson presented an engineering agreement with Connor and Connor on a bridge in Ste Marie Township. Motion to approve was made and seconded by Phil
Jensen and Brian Leffler, carried on a voice vote. Patterson then presented a local agency agreement with the State of Illinois on a bridge in Crooked Creek
Township, cost of the bridge being $170,000. Motion to approve was made and seconded by Joe Bierman and Jerome Kistner, carried on a roll call vote with all
members’ present casting yes votes save Phil Jensen who abstained from the vote.

Sheriff’s Committee Chair Jerry Kinder reported that the Committee has placed for sale by sealed bids surplus Sheriff’s vehicle, told the Board that one of the Sheriff’s
deputies was involved in a minor car accident, the other driver was at fault. He told the Board the new squad car purchased with grant monies has been received and
is in service.

Finance Committee member Dale Haskett told the Board that semi annual reports of County offices would be examined at the January meeting of the Committee. He
told the Board that the UCCI is refunding dues the County paid for 2005 membership and that the board of directors of that organization has agreed to pay member
counties $250 for attendance of their board meetings. He reported that the Committee heard that the Burl Ives family has donated use of Ive’s personal Christmas
lawn decorations to be displayed in the County. The Chamber and Tourism Council wish to display them on the Courthouse lawn.

A motion was made and seconded by Bill Weber and Jerry Kinder to pass stipend monies paid by the UCCI to the County for attendance of their board of director’s
meeting on to the Board Chairman or his designee in lieu of County reimbursement for expenses of attending such meetings. Motion carried on a roll call vote with all
members present voting yes.

A motion was entered by Jerry Kinder and Jim Weber to allow the Chamber and Tourism Council to display Ives family Christmas decorations on the Courthouse lawn,
carried on a voice vote.

Building Committee Chairman Phil Jensen reported on two Committee meetings. The Committee met with various officials concerning the Courthouse bathroom
project. Discussion of the project, scheduling work around the Court’s calendar, etc. was held. Jensen told the Board that pay-inspection meetings for the project
would be done at the regularly scheduled meeting of this Committee. He told the Board that during their regular meeting, they were informed of repair work done and
additional work needed on the boiler system in the Courthouse and that the Committee had directed the work to be done. DM Welding of Ste Marie has quoted a cost
of $754.95 to construct steel doors and frames for the exterior door of the Courthouse basement. Motion to accept and approve this quote was made and seconded
by Joe Bierman and Lawrence Pilman, motion carried on a roll call vote with all members voting yes. Jensen told the Board that work has been done on the sewer
drain in the office building, change orders to the bathroom project have been approved. Floor coverings, plastic main line instead of copper main line and covering to
old plaster ceiling with plywood prior to other construction has been approved. Chairman Mitchell asked the Board to empower the Building Committee to make
necessary change orders on this project. Motion to empower the Building Committee to approve change orders as needed on this project was made and seconded by
Brian Leffler and Jerry Kinder, carried on a voice vote.

Ambulance Committee Chair Joe Bierman reported for that Committee.

Animal Control Committee Chair Jerome Kistner reported for that Committee.

EMA Coordinator Doug Long commented on the positive response from the public during the recent tornado.

Economic Development Committee Chair Bill Weber told the Board that Bev Worthey is the new Chamber director, the Committee is still working with the riverboat and
soy diesel projects. He told the Board that this Committee wishes permission to pursue partnering with the U of I Extension Service to provide a full time Economic
Development Director for Jasper County. Motion to concur with this request was made and seconded by Jerry Kinder and Joe Bierman, motion carried on a voice vote.

Health Board member Jerry Kinder told the Board that the Jasper County Health Board may assist Richland County in start up of a health department in Richland

County Clerk Ray Diel presented his monthly office report, Jerry Kinder and Dale Haskett moved to approve. Carried on a voice vote.

Chairman Mitchell presented a resolution of participation with the State’s Attorney Appellate Prosecutor program at a cost of $5,000. Motion to approve was made and
seconded by Jerry Kinder and Jim Weber, carried on a roll call vote with all members voting yes.

Chairman Mitchell presented 2005-06 fiscal year County tax levy. Motion to approve and adopt was made and seconded by Phil Jensen and Bill Weber, carried on a
roll call vote with all members present voting yes.

A motion to approve meetings minutes as presented was made and seconded by Lawrence Pilman and Jerome Kistner, carried on a voice vote.

A motion to allow claims against the County was made and seconded by Phil Jensen and Randy Milliman, carried on a voice vote.

A motion to adjourn at 8:05 p.m. was made and seconded by Bill Weber and Brian Leffler, carried on a voice vote.

Ray Diel, Jasper County Clerk

Jasper County Illinois Board meeting minutes
January 12, 2006

The Jasper County Board met in regular session Thursday, January 12, 2006 at 7:00 p.m. with all members present. The meeting was opened by proclamation of
Sheriff Ed Francis; Chairman Mitchell led the members in the Pledge to the Flag. Chairman Mitchell asked for public comment, there was none. Chairman Mitchell then
recognized the coaches and members of the 2005 Newton High School football team that were present; he presented them with a plaque and medallions as part of
that recognition.

Road and Bridge Chair Lawrence Pilman reported on activities at that Department, told the Board bids were being sought for a dump truck and that the recently
purchased ditch mower has been delivered.

Sheriff’s Committee Chair Jerry Kinder told the Board that bids have been received for surplus Sheriff’s vehicle, high bid was $2,253 and the Committee would
recommend Board acceptance of that bid. Motion by Brian Leffler and Bill Weber to accept this bid, motion carried on a voice vote.

Finance Committee Chair Rex Woods reported that Circuit Clerk Sheryl Frederick came before the Committee to report that recent legislation would allow increase of
fees charged by her office, she discussed the bathroom project with the Committee. The Committee examined and approved semi-annual reports of the County Clerk,
Circuit Clerk, Sheriff and Treasurer’s offices. Woods told the Board that local insurance agents have asked about bidding employee health coverage. The Committee’
s feeling on this matter is that the County pays a flat amount towards employee’s coverage and that if the employees wish to address this issue, it would be up to the
employees. Woods told the Board that Board Chairman Ed Mitchell addressed this Committee concerning full time economic development director for the County,
partnering with the extension service in this endeavor.

Building Committee Chair Phil Jensen reported on bathroom project progress, told the Board that the LP tank at the animal control building needs painted and
Fehrenbacher Paint Service will sandblast, prime and paint that tank for $175. Motion to approve was made and seconded by Dale Haskett and Jerry Kinder, carried
on a voice vote.

Jensen told the Board that the Committee is watching heating bills for County buildings, current billings are about 35% over last year. He told the Board that the
Committee had budgeted for the increase. Reported that B&M Welding has fabricated and delivered the steel door frame and door for the Courthouse basement
door, the Committee directed the architect to pick colors for the bathroom project.

Ambulance Committee Chair Joe Bierman reported that operating procedures for that department are being updated.

EMA Committee Chair Jerome Kistner told the Board that grant monies are being sought for communication equipment for the service.

Animal Control Committee Chairman Jerome Kistner presented monthly report for Animal Control.

Economic Development Committee Chair Bill Weber reported on riverboat and soydiesel projects, told the Board that this Committee is progressing with talks
concerning a full time economic development director for the County in conjunction with the Extension Service.

Board Chairman Mitchell told the Board that he has met with Committee Chairmen Kinder, Bierman, Jensen and Woods to discuss housing issues for the ambulance
service and the dispatch center. He told the Board that this group would recommend at the next meeting of the Board to contract with South Central Regional Planning
for grant monies search and applications.

County Clerk’s monthly report was submitted by County Clerk Ray Diel, Rex Woods and Jim Weber moved and seconded to approve, carried on a voice vote.

Chairman Mitchell appointed Carlotta Barbee to fill a vacancy on the Jasper County Health board. Motion to approve was made and seconded by Jerry Kinder and Joe
Bierman, carried on a voice vote.

Chairman Mitchell presented a contract to provide public defender services to Jasper County between Jasper, the Chief Judge and Public Defender Scott Ealy. Motion
to approve was made and seconded by Joe Bierman and Jerome Kistner, carried on a voice vote.

County Clerk Ray Diel presented a resolution for Board consideration stating the County would provide Help America Vote Act required election equipment funding.
He told the Board that adoption of this resolution would result in that ability to apply for and receive reimbursement monies from the Illinois State Board of Elections for
the cost of such equipment. Bill Weber and Brian Leffler moved and seconded to adopt this resolution, carried on a voice vote.

A motion to approve minutes of meetings was made and seconded by Randy Milliman and Jerry Kinder, carried on a voice vote.

A motion to allow claims against the County was made and seconded by Phil Jensen and Jim Weber, carried on a voice vote.

Chairman Mitchell provided each Board member with information concerning proposed legislation affecting septic service in rural areas of the State.

A motion to adjourn at 8:05 p.m. was made and seconded by Bill Weber and Brian Leffler, carried on a voice vote.

Ray Diel, Jasper County Clerk

Jasper County Illinois  Board meeting minutes
February 9, 2006

The Jasper County Board met in regular session Thursday, February 9, 2006 at 7:00 p.m. with all members present. The meeting was opened by proclamation;
Chairman Ed Mitchell led the members in the Pledge to the Flag. Chairman Mitchell asked for public comment. Geron Scates addressed the Board concerning a
proposition that will be on the March primary election ballot implementing a park district in Jasper County.

Tom Rauch of Suss Com Cable came before the Board with an agreement wherein the Jasper County Board would approve sale of Suss Com franchise in Jasper
County to Comm Cast Cable. Motion to approve was made and seconded by Joe Bierman and Jim Weber, carried on a voice vote.

Road and Bridge Chair Lawrence Pilman reported on monthly activities, told the Board that his Committee had opened bids for purchase of a dump truck. The
Committee would recommend award of bid to purchase Sterling dump truck at a bid of $42,772. Motion to adopt and approve the Committee’s recommendation was
made and seconded by Jerry Kinder and Jerome Kistner, carried on a roll call vote with all members voting yes.

Sheriff’s Committee Chair Jerry Kinder reported that insurance proceeds from wrecked squad car have been received along with proceeds of sale of surplus squad
car. The Committee would like to apply these checks towards purchase of a squad car to replace the wrecked car; additional monies needed would come from the
Sheriff’s budget.  Car would be a pre-owned vehicle purchased from Missouri State Police as in the past. Motion to approve purchase of a pre-owned Missouri State
Police car and to use insurance and car sales proceeds towards that purchase, contingent upon approval of use of these monies in this fashion by the County’s
auditor. Prior to the vote, Jensen and Bierman entered a motion to table this issue until further information is received. That motion carried on a roll call vote with all
members voting yes save Randy Milliman, Brian Leffler and Jerry Kinder who cast no votes.

Kinder further reported to the Board that some plumbing work is needed and will be done in order to comply with State regulations.

Finance Chairman Rex Woods reported on activities of his Committee.

Building Committee Chairman Phil Jensen told the Board that a water leak has occurred in the water line leading to the animal control facility, repairs will be made.
Told the Board that the bathroom project at the Courthouse is approximately 45% complete, reported that quotes to install a new water fountain in the lobby in
conjunction with the bathroom project has been received, $2,900. He asked the Board to approve changing the contract to include this water fountain. Motion to
approve changing contract to allow for installation of water fountain in the Courthouse lobby was made and seconded by Brian Leffler and Joe Bierman, motion
carried on a roll call vote with all members voting yes.

Jensen further reported that repairs will be made to the roof over the Probation office at the Courthouse and that security cameras are being installed in the

Ambulance Committee Chairman Joe Bierman reported the Committee is discussing the problem of housing the ambulance service.

EMA Coordinator Doug Long told the Board he is applying for grant funds through various State organizations.

Animal Control Committee Chairman Jerome Kistner reported on the need of purchase of some items of equipment, including a cage that would be stored at the
Sheriff’s department for use by that department during off-hours when the animal control officer is off duty. Motion to approve purchases was made and seconded by
Joe Bierman and Dale Haskett, carried on a roll call vote with all members voting yes.

Economic Development Chair Bill Weber reported on bio-diesel siting meetings and progress that has been made on the Extension Service Economic Development

Land Use Committee Chair Dale Haskett reported on meeting with the advisory arm of that Committee.

GIS Chair Bill Weber reported that the federal Census Bureau has asked to access County GIS maps for use during census. Motion was made and seconded by Jerry
Kinder and Joe Bierman to make those maps available to the Census Bureau. Carried on a voice vote. Weber reported on progress of the soils mapping portion of
this project.

County Clerk Ray Diel submitted County Clerk’s monthly report. Motion to approve the report was made and seconded by Jerry Kinder and Jim Weber, carried on a
voice vote.

Insurance Committee Chairman Phil Jensen reported on receipt of dividend check from the County’s insurance carrier, ICRMT, in the amount of $11,160.14 for the
policy years of 1995 & 1996.

Chairman Ed Mitchell appointed Mary Finley and Paula Lidy to 3-year terms to the Jasper County Board of Health and Jerry Kinder to a 1-year term to the Board of
Health as representative of the Jasper County Board. Motion to approve these appointments was made and seconded by Lawrence Pilman and Jerome Kistner,
motion carried on a voice vote.

Chairman Mitchell presented a resolution in opposition to proposed changes to the State’s private sewage code. Motion to adopt this resolution was made and
seconded by Brian Leffler and Bill Weber, motion carried on a voice vote.

A motion to approve minutes of meetings as presented was made and seconded by Jerry Kinder and Jim Weber, motion carried on a voice vote.

A motion to allow claims against the County was made and seconded by Phil Jensen and Jim Weber, motion carried on a voice vote.

A motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:40 p.m. was made and seconded by Bill Weber and Brian Leffler, motion carried on a voice vote.

Ray Diel, Jasper County Clerk

Jasper County Illinois  Board
March 9, 2006

The Jasper County Board met Thursday, March 9, 2006 at 7:00 p.m. with all members present. Sheriff Ed Francis opened the meeting by proclamation, Chairman Ed
Mitchell led the members in the Pledge to the Flag. Chairman Mitchell asked for public comment, there was none.

Road and Bridge Chairman Lawrence Pilman reported on the month’s activities at the Department, two bridges will be let at the spring bid lettings, County Engineer
Dick Patterson presented a resolution to pay his salary and benefits from motor fuel tax receipts. Motion to adopt this resolution was made and seconded by Jerry
Kinder and Jerome Kistner, carried on a voice vote.

Sheriff’s Committee Chair Jerry Kinder reported that a surplus squad car will be purchased from the Missouri State Police for Department use in the near future,
security cameras are being installed in the Courthouse and repairs are needed to the padded cell at the jail.

Finance Committee Chairman Rex Woods reported on discussion of pending litigation against the County, CDAP has lost several million dollars of federal funding and
that the Committee directed the Board Chair to send letter to Senators and Congressman asking those funds be reinstated. Chairman Mitchell told the Board that he
would send those letters as requested. The Committee also heard from the Chair that progress is being made on realigning the Workforce Investment Board and that
work on Ameren CIPS assessments is being done.

Building Chair Phil Jensen reported that water leaks at the pound facility have not yet been repaired, the bathroom project at the Courthouse is progressing and
security cameras are being installed in the Courthouse. Jensen told the Board that the bathroom project is about 70% completed.

Ambulance Committee Chairman Joe Bierman reported on the Department’s activities. Ambulance Director Galen Mendenhall addressed the Board with concerns
over increase in health insurance premiums and no increase in pay. He asked the Board to grant his employees an immediate $.50 per hour salary increase with an
additional $.50 increase at the beginning of the next fiscal year. He also asked the Board to make an addition payment of $25.00 per month towards his employee’s
health insurance premium. Mendenhall then asked the Board to consider quarterly meetings of the Ambulance Committee instead of the current monthly meeting
schedule. He told the Board that he has sufficient monies in his budget to cover these additional expenses. Board Chairman Mitchell remanded these matters to

Animal Control Chair Jerome Kistner presented the monthly control officer’s report, asked the Board to consider empowering the animal control officer to issue
citations for violation of County animal ordinance. State’s Attorney William Hoffeditz agreed to have a resolution to that affect ready for the April meeting of the Board.

Economic Development Committee Chairman Bill Weber reported that this Committee was pleased with the announcement that the bio-diesel plant will be located in
Jasper County. Spoke of the progress made in the full time economic development position for Jasper and the City of Newton. Some private funds are being sought to
help finance this position.

Land Use Chairman Dale Haskett reported that this Committee had met and agreed that revisions are needed to the existing tentative plan for land use in Jasper
County and that those revisions will be made prior to the Committee meeting again.

County Clerk Ray Diel presented the County Clerk’s monthly report, motion to adopt was made and seconded by Jerry Kinder and Jim Weber, carried on a voice vote.

Chairman Mitchell appointed Bryant Probst to a 3-year term as trustee of the Dieterich Fire Protection District. Motion to approve was made and seconded by Joe
Bierman and Dale Haskett, carried on a voice vote.

Board member Haskett reported that Marsha Roll of ERBA would address the Board at the April meeting concerning funding of the Senior center in Newton.

A motion to approve meetings minutes was made and seconded by Jerry Kinder and Lawrence Pilman, carried on a voice vote.

A motion to allow claims against the County was made and seconded by Dale Haskett and Jim Weber, carried on a voice vote.

A motion to adjourn at 7:55 p.m. was made and seconded by Bill Weber and Brian Leffler, motion carried.

Chairman Mitchell reminded the Board that meeting times change in April to 7:30 p.m.

Ray Diel, Jasper County Clerk

Jasper County Illinois  Board
April 13, 2006

The Jasper County Board met Thursday, April 13, 2006 at 7:30 p.m. with all members present. The meeting was opened by proclamation of Sheriff Ed Francis;
Chairman Mitchell led the members in the Pledge to the Flag. Chairman Mitchell asked for public comment, there was none.

Connie Elliott, Jasper County Extension Service, introduced 4-H Foundation Ambassadors, young men and women from Jasper County who are youth leaders in 4-H.
She also presented some information materials concerning youth and educational programs offered through the Extension Service.

Marsh Roll, Embarras River Basin Agency Director, and ERBA agency Board of Directors President Duane Carrell, came before the Board to report on loss of funding
for the Jasper County Senior Citizen’s Center in Newton for the upcoming fiscal year. She touched on the programs offered to Jasper County seniors through this
agency, told the Board that federal funding for the next fiscal year will lack $36,000 of funding for this program Local dollars must be found to make up that deficit or
services will have to be cut.

Don Frederick, County Extension Service, came before the Board and presented his office’ 2006-07 fiscal year budget. Motion to approve this budget was made and
seconded by Jerry Kinder and Phil Jensen, carried on a roll call vote with all members present voting yes.

Road and Bridge Chairman Lawrence Pilman reported on monthly activities, Hunt City and Crooked Creek Road District bridge lettings have been held, told the Board
that road oil bids are approximately 22% higher than last year. County Engineer Dick Patterson presented construction engineering contracts with Connor & Connor
for the Hunt City bridge. Motion to approve was made and seconded by Brian Leffler and Jim Weber, carried on a voice vote.

Solid Waste Committee Chair Jerry Kinder told the Board that Eagle Water Works have requested donation of use of 6 dumpsters to use during clean up of the old
IGA building that Eagle now owns. The Committee recommended donation of 1 dumpster, any additional dumpsters used would be charged out at the regular rate.
Motion by Randy Milliman and Lawrence Pilman to allow use of one dumpster, free of charge, by the Eagle Water Works, any additional dumpsters used would be
charged the regular rate. Motion carried on a voice vote. Building Committee Chair Phil Jensen thanked the Solid Waste Committee for the use of a dumpster during
bathroom construction at the Courthouse.

Finance Committee Rex Woods reported on audit presentation from Kemper CPA. A representative from Kemper then addressed the Board concerning the 2005
fiscal year audit. Told the Board that a clean audit opinion was issued, touched on some areas of the budget. Chairman Woods reported that the Committee is
considering Ambulance employee salaries, County Engineer auto allowance and Corporate Fund employee salaries outside of the unionized employees. He told the
Board that this Committee was meeting April 19th at 6:00 p.m. to consider elected official salaries.

Sheriff’s Committee Chair Jerry Kinder reported that security cameras in the Courthouse have been installed and placed into service and that the Committee believes
negotiations with the Sheriff’s union should begin soon.

Building Committee Chair Phil Jensen told the Board that some window frame repair is being done to windows in the Probation office, doors will be installed in the
entrance to the old bathrooms in the Courthouse and that the new bathrooms are in service with only minor items needing addressed to complete this project.

Ambulance Committee Chair Joe Bierman told the Board his Committee is working on Ambulance Department housing.

EMA Committee Chairman Jerome Kistner reported on training Coordinator Long has taken, new radio purchase with grant monies has been installed in the
emergency response vehicle.

Animal Control Committee Chair Jerome Kistner told the Board that the Animal Control officer has fixed the water leak at the pound. Presented an amended animal
control ordinance that allows the animal control officer to issue citations for violation of the animal control ordinance. Motion to adopt the amended ordinance was
made and seconded by Joe Bierman and Jim Weber, carried on a voice vote.

Economic Development Committee Chair Bill Weber reported on progress of the Biodiesel project and progress on the proposed full time economic development
position through the Extension Service. Weber further reported that South Central Illinois Regional Planning has asked the County Board to sponsor a $225.000 grant
to install a water main to a proposed new hog facility in northwest Jasper County. Grant would be funded by DCEO. Motion by Bill Weber and Phil Jensen to approve
sponsorship of a $225,000 DCEO grant for water main installation to a proposed facility in northwest Jasper County. Motion carried on a voice vote. Weber also
reported on a multi-County discussion of
planning through the University of Illinois for those counties.

Chairman Mitchell appointed John May to a 3-year term as trustee of Wade Fire Protection District. Motion to approve this appointment was made and seconded by
Lawrence Pilman and Jim Weber, carried on a voice vote.

County Clerk’s monthly report was submitted by County Clerk Ray Diel, motion to approve was made and seconded by Rex Woods and Jerry Kinder, carried on a
voice vote.

Chairman Mitchell asked the Board to authorize him to issue tax anticipation warrants as needed to the People’s State Bank to cover shortfalls in County funds. Motion
to authorize County Board Chairman Ed Mitchell to issue tax anticipation warrants as needed was made and seconded by Joe Bierman and Jerry Kinder, carried on a
voice vote.

Chairman Mitchell reported on a partial rebate of UCCI dues and that workforce investment board realignment has been completed. He told the Board that some past
expenditures might be disallowed by DCEO with resulting pay back of disallowed expenses.

A motion to approve minutes of meetings as presented was made and seconded by Jerry Kinder and Randy Milliman, carried on a voice vote.

A motion to allow claims against the County was made and seconded by Dale Haskett and Randy Milliman, carried on a voice vote.

A motion to adjourn at 9:15 p.m. was made and seconded by Bill Weber and Brian Leffler, carried on a voice vote.

Ray Diel, Jasper County Clerk

Jasper County Board
May 11, 2006

The Jasper County Board met Thursday, May 11, 2006 at 7:30 p.m. with Chairman Ed Mitchell, Lawrence Pilman, Joe Bierman, Jerome Kistner, Jerry Kinder, Phil
Jensen, Rex Woods, Bill Weber, Jim Weber, Brian Leffler and Dale Haskett present. The meeting was opened by proclamation of Sheriff Ed Francis; Chairman Mitchell
led the members in the Pledge to the Flag. Chairman Mitchell asked for public comment, there was none.

Road and Bridge Chairman Lawrence Pilman reported that the Crooked Creek and Hunt City Road District bridges construction would begin in the near future, the
Airport Road has been oiled and chipped. County Engineer Dick Patterson asked the Board to empower the Board Chairman and County Clerk to sign necessary
documentation on the Shamrock Road bridge once that the Illinois Department of Transportation has returned documentation to him. Motion to direct the Chairman
and Clerk to complete Shamrock Road contracts and other paperwork when completed by IDOT was made and seconded by Lawrence Pilman and Jerome Kistner,
motion carried on a voice vote.

Sheriff’s Committee Chair Jerry Kinder reported on monthly activities, that a jon boat has been purchase for use during water rescue activities and emergencies using
fine and forfeiture monies. He told the Board that the Department of Corrections has inspected the jail facility.

Building Committee Chair Phil Jensen told the Board that the bathroom project at the Courthouse is complete, doors will be installed on the entryway to the old
bathrooms and that the construction area on the Courthouse lawn has been tilled and seeded.

A motion to recess the meeting at 7:45 was made and seconded by Phil Jensen and Joe Bierman; motion carried on a voice vote.

A motion to reconvene the meeting at 7:50 was made and seconded by Jerry Kinder and Brian Leffler, motion carried on a voice vote.

Finance Committee Chair Rex Woods reported on 2 meetings of that Committee, the first held on April 19th to discuss salaries of the County Clerk, Circuit Clerk,
Sheriff, Treasurer and Supervisor of Assessments for the next four-year term. He told the Board that at that meeting the Committee agreed to recommend to the
Board those salaries be set at current levels with an annual increase of $500.00. He told the Board that the Committee met again on May 9th and salaries for non-
union employees and also the elected officials were taken under advisement. He told the Board that the Committee would recommend to the Board that non-union
County employees, except Health Department employees, be awarded a $.50 per hour increase in salary beginning June 1, 2006.  A motion was made and seconded
by Lawrence Pilman and Brian Leffler to increase non-union County employees, except Health Department employees, by $.50 per hour beginning June 1, 2006.
Motion carried on a record vote with all members present voting yes save Phil Jensen who cast a no vote.

Woods then told the Board that the Committee had agreed at their May meeting to recommend to the Board that elected official’s salaries be increase by $750 per
year during each year of the 4- year term. The officials affected by this action were present and stated they would like the salary increase to be set at $1,000 per year
over the 4 years of the term, the same increase as just awarded to County employees. Motion by Jim Weber and Dale Haskett to set Jasper County elected officials
County Treasurer, County Sheriff, County Clerk, County Circuit Clerk and County Supervisor of Assessments at current levels with an annual increase of $750 per
year, each year of the term. Motion carried on a record vote with all members present voting yes save Brian Leffler and Lawrence Pilman who cast no votes.

Woods then told the Board that the Committee would recommend County Board salaries be left at current levels except the Board Chairman’s salary. They would
recommend the Board Chairman’s salary be increased by $500.00 per annum. Motion to increase the Jasper County Board Chairman’s salary by $500.00 per annum
was made and seconded by Rex Woods and Dale Haskett, motion carried on a record vote with members Rex Woods, Jerry Kinder, Jim Weber, Dale Haskett Jerome
Kistner and Lawrence Pilman casting yes votes, Bill Weber, Brian Leffler, Phil Jensen, Ed Mitchell and Joe Bierman casting no votes.

Chairman Mitchell reported on re-alignment of the Workforce Investment Board that Jasper belongs to, reported on progress of negotiations with Department of
Commerce and Economic Opportunity concerning repayment of non approved expenditures by the Board. He told the Board that Jasper County would be responsible
for around $1,000 for their share of the repayment, as it now stands. He also reported on meetings concerning a several County cooperative program, Land
Evaluation Assessment Model, no action is being taken on this program as yet.

Ambulance Committee Chair Joe Bierman presented monthly reports for March and April, some engine repairs were needed and have been done to one of the
ambulances, told the Board that the Committee is contemplating changing the ambulance replacement schedule from every 3 years to every 4 years. The Committee
is continuing to work on the Department housing issue.

Animal Control Chair Jerome Kistner told the Board the LP tank at the facility has begun leaking and repairs to the tank are being considered.

Economic Development Chairman Bill Weber reported on progress with the bio-diesel plant and also on the full time economic development director position.

Chairman Mitchell presented an agreement to apply for, and accept, a DCEO grant to assist with Pitchco, Inc. construction of a hog facility in Jasper County. Motion to
approve was made and seconded by Jerry Kinder and Bill Weber, carried on a voice vote.

County Clerk Ray Diel presented listing of proposed election judges for 2006-08 term. Motion to approve was made and seconded by Joe Bierman and Rex Woods,
motion carried on a voice vote.

County Clerk’s monthly office report was submitted by County Clerk Ray Diel. Motion to accept was made and seconded by Rex Woods and Jerry Kinder, carried on a
voice vote.

Chairman Mitchell announced to the Board that member Randy Milliman, Board District 1, has resigned his seat on the County Board. A motion to accept Milliman’s
resignation, with regrets, was made and seconded by Joe Bierman and Lawrence Pilman, motion carried on a voice vote. Chairman Mitchell presented Milliman with a
resolution thanking Milliman for his work on behalf of the Board and the people of the County. Mitchell then told the Board that he would appoint Orval Walden to
serve in Milliman’s seat until December 1, 2006 when at that time a member that was elected at the November election will take the seat to serve Milliman’s unexpired
term. Motion to approve this appointment was made and seconded by Joe Bierman and Lawrence Pilman, carried on a record vote with all members present casting
yes votes.

Chairman Mitchell asked the Board to consider contracting with Bob Boueye, a labor attorney, to assist the Board with union negotiations with Sheriff’s union
employees. Boueye assisted during last negotiation, his firm charges $160 per hour plus out of pocket expenses. Motion to contract with Boueye to provide union
negotiation services, entered and seconded by Jerry Kinder and Bill Weber, carried on a record vote with all members present casting yes votes.

County Clerk Ray Diel asked the Board to reconsider elected official salaries for the upcoming term of office. He asked them to consider setting those salaries at an
annual increase of $1,000 per year. A motion to rescind the $750 per year salary increase awarded elected officials for the upcoming 4-year term and set those
increases at $1,000 per year. Motion by Jerry Kinder and Lawrence Pilman to rescind the motion awarding $750 per year and instead award salary increases to
elected officials in the amount of $1,000 per year each year of the 4-year term. Motion failed on a record vote with Woods, Kinder, Mitchell and Pilman casting yes
votes, Bill Weber, Leffler, Jim Weber, Jensen, Haskett, Kistner and Bierman casting no votes.

A motion to approve meetings minutes was made and seconded by Jerry Kinder and Jim Weber, carried on a voice vote.

A motion to approve claims against the County was made and seconded by Phil Jensen and Jerry Kinder, carried on a voice vote.

A motion to adjourn the meeting at 9:20 p.m. was made and seconded by Bill Weber and Brian Leffler; motion carried on a voice vote.

Ray Diel, Jasper County Clerk

Jasper County Illinois  Board Meeting minutes
June 8, 2006

The Jasper County Board met Thursday, June 8, 2006 at 7:30 p.m. with all members present save Joe Bierman. Chairman Mitchell led the members in the Pledge to
the Flag, asked for public comments, there was none.

Chief Deputy County Clerk Linda Huth administered the Oath of Office to Board member Orval Walden who is serving due to the resignation of Randy Milliman.

Larry Casey, Embarras River Tourism Council, came before the Board with a report of that entity’s activities, presented each member with 2006 travel guide and
presented a financial report concerning use of hotel-motel tax revenues from the County.

Chairman Mitchell introduced Alice Mullens and Debby Dix, members of the Crawford County Board.

Committee Chair Lawrence Pilman submitted Road and Bridge Committee report. Hunt City Road District submitted a bridge aid petition in the amount of $1,160.
Motion to approve this petition was made and seconded by Brian Leffler and Phil Jensen, motion carried on a roll call vote with all members voting yes.

An engineering agreement for a bridge to be constructed in Ste Marie Road District was presented; estimated cost of the project is $110,000. Motion to approve was
made and seconded by Bill Weber and Jerome Kistner, carried on a voice vote. The Board heard a progress report on the current Hunt City Road District bridge.

Sheriff’s Committee report was given by Chairman Jerry Kinder, the padded cell has been repaired and the Committee welcomed Orval Walden as the newest member
of the Committee. The Committee examined courthouse security camera system; it was also reported that the Sheriff has obtained a squad car from the Missouri State
Police to replace a wrecked unit.

Fred Walker and Jarret Hubbard from South Central Regional Planning addressed the Board concerning a proposed project consolidating several Counties called
Land use Evaluation, Assessment and Modeling.

Finance Committee Chair Rex Woods told the Board the City-County EMA Committee members met with his Committee to discuss the EMA position in the County and
the possibility of creating a full time position for the coordination of EMA activities.

Economic Development Coordinator position through the University of Illinois Extension Service was also discussed at this Committee meeting. Chairman Woods told
the Board that his Committee would like the Board to enter into an agreement with the City of Newton to partner on this project. Motion entered and seconded by Jerry
Kinder and Jim Weber to agree formally with the City of Newton concerning Economic Development coordinator position, carried on a roll call vote with all members
voting yes. Woods further reported the County will be liable for $459.06 in disallowed costs of the Workforce Investment Board, closed session minutes have been
examined and will not be opened to the public and the Ameren CIPS assessment issue has been resolved and each taxing body affected by the assessment will share
in the legal costs of that resolution.

Building Committee Chair Phil Jensen reported that the close out package for the Courthouse bathroom project has been received and that the project is complete.
Prices of a lawn edger has been sought, Bob’s Hardware quoted $350 for this equipment. Motion to purchase lawn edger from Bob’s Hardware at a cost of $350 was
made and seconded by Jerry Kinder and Orval Walden, carried on a voice vote. Jensen further reported doors in the openings to the old bathrooms in the
Courthouse will be installed, window airconditioner units have been installed in the new bathrooms at a cost of $200. Motion to approve this expenditure was made
and seconded by Dale Haskett and Brian Leffler, carried on a voice vote. Jensen told the Board he is talking to the City concerning assistance with trimming of some
trees on the Courthouse lawn.

Ambulance Department administrator Galen Mendenhall presented the Ambulance Committee report.

Insurance Committee Chair Phil Jensen reported that a lightning strike has damaged some 9-1-1 equipment.

Economic Development Committee Chair Bill Weber told the Board that the bio-diesel project managers are holding fund raising meetings and that Newton is one of
two sites for the location of the President riverboat. The ER Moore factory in Newton is closing, Oak Hall, the parent company of ER Moore, has made that
announcement. The Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity is meeting with the employees of that industry.

The County Clerk’s monthly report was submitted by Chief Deputy County Clerk Linda Huth. Motion to approve was made and seconded by Jerry Kinder and Rex
Woods, carried on a voice vote.

The County of Jasper prevailing wage ordinance for 2006-07 was submitted to the Board for approval. Motion to adopt was made and seconded by Jim Weber and Bill
Weber, motion carried on a roll call vote with Orval Walden, Bill Weber, Brian Leffler, Jim Weber, Jerome Kistner, Ed Mitchell and Lawrence Pilman casting yes votes,
Rex Woods, Jerry Kinder, Phil Jensen and Dale Haskett casting no votes.

Board Chairman Ed Mitchell told the Board that an intergovernmental agreement with the City of Newton concerning funding of the Economic Development position is
necessary due to the fact that the County will be the depository for all monies, City, County and public donations. Motion by Bill Weber and Jerry Kinder to adopt this
agreement carried on a voice vote.

A motion to approve the meetings minutes as submitted was made and seconded by Jerry Kinder and Lawrence Pilman, carried on a voice vote.

A motion to allow claims against the County was made and seconded by Phil Jensen and Dale Haskett, carried on a voice vote.

A motion to adjourn at 9:30 p.m. was entered and seconded by Bill Weber and Brian Leffler; motion carried on a voice vote.

Linda Griffith-Huth, Chief Deputy County Clerk

Jasper County Illinois Board
July 13, 2006

The Jasper County Board met in regular session Thursday, July 13, 2006 at 7:30 p.m. with all members present. Sheriff Ed Francis opened the meeting by
proclamation; Board Chairman Ed Mitchell led the members in the Pledge to the Flag. Chairman Mitchell asked for public comments, there were none.

Chairman Mitchell then recognized the members and coaches of the Newton Community High School State championship track team that were present. Chairman
Mitchell presented each member and coaches a medal on behalf of the Board and congratulated them on their accomplishment.

Road and Bridge Chairman Lawrence Pilman reported on Highway activities, the newly delivered dump truck is having the bed installed and will be placed in service
soon, bridge and road construction progress and then told the Board that the County Highway materials tax has been in effect for 5 years and will need to be
authorized by the voters at the November election. Motion by Jerry Kinder and Orval Walden to direct the Jasper County Clerk to place the question of renewal of the
County Highway materials tax on the November 7th ballot. Motion carried on a roll call vote with all members casting yes votes save Leffler who cast a no vote.

Sheriff’s Committee Chair Jerry Kinder reported on monthly activities at that Department.

Finance Committee Chair Rex Woods told the Board that Sheriff Ed Francis had appeared before his Committee to inform them that he wished to increase County
bailiff’s salary from $45.00 per day of service to $65.00 per day of service. Woods told the Board that his Committee concurred with the Sheriff. Motion to increase
bailiff salary from $45.00 per day to $65.00 per day was made and seconded by Brian Leffler and Jerry Kinder, carried on a roll call vote with all members casting yes

Woods further reported that Circuit Clerk Sheryl Frederick had submitted her office semi-annual report and that Animal Control Committee Chair Jerome Kistner has
requested this Committee to consider increasing animal control officer rate of pay at the next anniversary date of his contract, January 1, 2007. The Committee will
take this matter under advisement during budget work. Woods then told the Board that Eagle Country Water Works, a non-profit organization, has requested the
County to abate the property tax owed on the former IGA building. Eagle Country will apply to the Illinois Department of Revenue for tax-exempt status for 1997;
ownership of this building came too late to apply this year. Amount of County tax that would be abated is $734.62. Motion by Rex Woods and Bill Weber to abate
Eagle Country Water Works County tax on the former IGA building in the amount of $734.62 carried on a voice vote.

Woods told the Board that budget work would begin in August.

Building Committee Chairman Phil Jensen reported that a crack in the drywall in the new men’s bathroom in the Courthouse has appeared, the contractor will be
notified for repair of that crack under the warranty provision of his contract. He told the Board that inspection of a warehouse building at the former Newton Broom
Factory has been made in conjunction with the search for housing for the Jasper County Ambulance Department.

Ambulance Committee Chair Joe Bierman further reported on the building search. He told the Committee several meetings have been held to inspect buildings for
sale concerning the search for Ambulance housing, he told the Board that investigation of costs for remodel for these buildings will be the next step in this process.
Told the Board that the Ambulance Department has purchased a new radio.

Animal Control Committee Chairman Jerome Kistner reported on meeting with the animal control officer and State’s Attorney to design a citation form for the animal
control officer to use for violations of the animal control ordinance. Kistner told the Board that the State’s Attorney has suggested each municipality in the County
adopt the same ordinance as the County, the County Clerk has been directed to contact each of these municipalities concerning such. The State’s Attorney has also
recommended that the animal control officer be sworn as a law enforcement officer. Kistner told the Board that his Committee also discussed implementing a fee per
rabies tag issued to help offset some costs of the animal control office; the Committee took no action.

Insurance Committee Chair Phil Jensen reported that the lawsuit between the County and a rural mail carrier has been tried, the County was found to have no fault.
Committee member Joe Bierman reported on a meeting several of the Committee members attended in Springfield.

Economic Development Committee Chairman Bill Weber told the Board that this Committee had met and toured at the Newton Broom and Brush facility west Newton.
Reported on the bio diesel project, SAIL group and progress with the Extension Service economic development director position. Told the Board that the President
riverboat project is still alive and that the office has been supplying some County sales tax information to interested parties.

GIS Committee Chairman Bill Weber reported that Emergetech, Inc, the vendor for Jasper County 9-1-1 system, and the County needs to develop an agreement for
Emergetech to access the County GIS system for 9-1-1 purposes. State’s Attorney Hoffeditz is working on an agreement.

County Clerk’s monthly report was submitted by County Clerk Ray Diel, motion to approve was made and seconded by Jim Weber and Jerry Kinder, carried on a voice

Building Committee Chairman Phil Jensen informed the Board that the August meeting of this Committee would be changed from August 3rd to August 8th at 8:00 a.m.

A motion to approve meetings minutes as submitted was made and seconded by Joe Bierman and Bill Weber, carried on a voice vote.

A motion to allow claims against the County was made and seconded by Lawrence Pilman and Orval Walden, carried on a voice vote.

A motion to adjourn at 8:35 p.m. was made and seconded by Brian Leffler and Bill Weber, carried on a voice vote.

Ray Diel, Jasper County Clerk

Jasper County Illinois Board Meeting Minutes
August 10, 2006

The Jasper County Board met Thursday, August 10, 2006 at 7:30 p.m. with all members present. Sheriff Ed Francis opened the meeting by proclamation; Board
Chairman Ed Mitchell led the members in the Pledge to the Flag. Chairman Mitchell asked for public comment, D. Randall Clark addressed the Board concerning the
grant application the Board has made on behalf of Pitchco to install EJ water lines to their under construction hog facility. Clark told the Board that several residents in
the County are unable to obtain water through EJ and asked if they had considered applying for grant funds to assist those residents.

Chairman Mitchell introduced Bob Stephenson, Workforce Investment Board Business Service Representative and Jim McShane, Director of the area Workforce
Investment Board. Stephenson gave an outline of WIB services available, McShane related to the Board that he wishes to encourage the WIB Board of Directors to
set goals as to what this region could accomplish through their services to encourage job growth in the area.

Road and Bridge Chairman Lawrence Pilman reported on Highway monthly activities, Perry County Construction was low bidder on a bridge project on the Shamrock
Road at a bid of $115,255. Pilman also reported on a special meeting of this Committee to address problems that may arise concerning heavy truck traffic to the
Pitchco hog facility construction site in northwest Wade Township.

Sheriff’s Committee Chair Jerry Kinder told the Board that Lyle Gentry has been employed as a County Deputy and that the Committee discussed housing needs of
the dispatch center.

Finance Committee Chairman Rex Woods told the Board that EMA Committee Chairman Jerome Kistner had came before this Committee to request that the Finance
Committee include a raise in salary for the EMA Director and Assistant Director in the amount of $500 and $150 annually for the Director and Assistant Director,
respectively. Kistner also reported as Animal Control Committee chair that the LP tank at the pound facility is leaking and repairs are too costly to be feasible. A tank
will be leased from the LP supplier. Woods then told the Board that a request for the County to purchase advertising in a proposed County historical publication has
been received, the Committee was not interested. He told the Board that Chairman Mitchell informed his Committee that Fred Walker of SCIRP has asked him if the
County would be interested in participating in the proposed LEAM project at a lesser level than originally requested and refused by the County. Mitchell told the
Committee that if the City of Newton would also participate the level of funding supplied by the County would be $4,000; he felt the County should participate at that

Motion and second was entered by Bill Weber and Joe Bierman to participate in the LEAM project at a level of local funding of $8,000 contingent upon the City of
Newton agreeing to pay ½ of that cost. Motion carried on a roll call vote with Walden, Bill Weber, Jerry Kinder, Jim Weber, Jerome Kistner, Ed Mitchell, Joe Bierman
and Lawrence Pilman casting yes votes, Rex Woods, Brian Leffler, Phil Jensen and Dale Haskett casting no votes.

Woods further reported his Committee examined semi-annual reports of the County Clerk, Circuit Clerk, Treasurer and Sheriff’s offices. He told the Board that budget
work would begin September 6th.

Building Committee Chairman Phil Jensen reported that he is still searching for a contractor to repair a drain at the Courthouse, discussed the 2-hour parking
ordinance for parking around the Courthouse square that has been enacted by the City of Newton and the problems that will cause for Courthouse employees, Court
system patrons and members of the public that are utilizing Courthouse facilities. He told the Board that Steve Cox has obtained a collapsible gating system from a
school building and it is being investigated if that gating could be installed in the Courthouse to close the majority of the building during after hours public use of the
building while leaving the bathrooms and water fountains available to the public.

Ambulance Committee Chair Joe Bierman reported that his Committee is still investigating housing needs of that Department, observed a demonstration of a device
that will automatically administer heart compressions to victims of heart attack. He told the Board that further consideration of those devices would be made.

EMA Committee Chairman Jerome Kistner told the Board that cell phone reimbursement of the Director would be raised from $30.00 per month to $50.00 per month.
Motion to approve this was made and seconded by Brian Leffler and Jerry Kinder, carried on a voice vote. Kistner further reported that EMA volunteers are
purchasing equipment through monies they have raised that a back-up system has been purchased for the EMA computer and some repairs to the EMA vehicle have
been made. He told the Board Director and Assistant Director salaries were discussed, the Director will attend conference in Springfield with the County reimbursing
him for wages lost during his attendance. A motion and second was entered by Bill Weber and Jerry Kinder to approve increasing the salaries of the Coordinator and
assistant Coordinator by $500 and $150 annually respectively, increase taking effect with the new budget year. Motion carried on a voice vote.

Animal Control Chair Jerome Kistner presented monthly activity report.

Safety Committee Chair Joe Bierman reported on meeting with representative of the County’s insurance carrier, he offered safety training materials and conference
dates that will address safety issues for the County’s use. He also inspected County buildings.

Economic Development Chairman Bill Weber reported on Enterprise Zone usage, the full time coordinator project is progressing, the bio-diesel project is also moving
forward. He also reported that leads for new business are being pursued.

Land Use Chair Dale Haskett reported on progress of the land use project.

Union Negotiations Chairman Joe Bierman told the Board that this Committee has met to begin preliminary work on a union contract with Sheriff’s employees, the
current contract expires 12-1-06.

County Clerk’s monthly report was submitted by County Clerk Ray Diel, motion to approve carried on a voice vote after being entered and seconded by Jerry Kinder
and Orval Walden.

Chairman Mitchell appointed Tom Clark, Bob Schaffer and Reginald Vernier to 3-year terms on the County’s Board of Health. Motion to approve was made and
seconded by Joe Bierman and Jerry Kinder, carried on a voice vote.

Chairman Mitchell appointed Ed Mitchell to a 2-year term to the County’s Board of Review, Dale Haskett and Jim Weber moved and seconded to approve, carried on a
voice vote with Ed Mitchell casting a no vote.

Chairman Mitchell presented a resolution designating the week of August 27th as “Workforce Development” week. Dale Haskett and Orval Walden moved and
seconded to approve, carried on a voice vote.

A motion to approve the meetings minutes was made and seconded by Jerry Kinder and Jim Weber, carried on a voice vote.

A motion to allow claims against the County was made and seconded by Lawrence Pilman and Phil Jensen, carried on a voice vote.

A motion to adjourn at 8:50 p.m. was made and seconded by Brian Leffler and Bill Weber, carried on a voice vote.

Ray Diel, Jasper County Clerk

Jasper County Illinois County Board Meeting Minutes
September 14, 2006

The Jasper County Board met in regular session Thursday, September 14, 2006 at 7:30 p.m. with all members save Rex Woods, who arrived later, present. Sheriff Ed
Francis opened the meeting by proclamation; Chairman Ed Mitchell led the members in the Pledge to the Flag. Chairman Mitchell asked for public comment, there was

Road and Bridge Chair Lawrence Pilman reported on activities of the Department. County Engineer Dick Patterson presented 2 Grandville Road District bridge aid
petitions for Board approval. Motion to approve the petition covering a culvert replacement was made and seconded by Brian Leffler and Jim Weber; motion carried
on a voice vote. Motion to approve the petition covering bridge replacement was made and seconded by Brian Leffler and Lawrence Pilman, carried on a voice vote.
A motion to approve an engineering agreement between Connor & Connor and the County of Jasper for engineering services on the Grandville bridge was made and
seconded by Lawrence Pilman and Dale Haskett, motion carried on a voice vote.

Sheriff’s Committee Chairman Jerry Kinder reported on that Department’s activities, the Grand Jury has inspected the jail, credit card payment of bail monies will now
be accepted and the Committee is discussing the fees charged for civil process.

Finance Committee report was given by Committee member Phil Jensen. He told the Board that 2 meetings of this Committee has been held the first on September
6th to begin budget work. The Committee held discussions concerning budget with various office holders, told the Board the Committee had shifted health care costs
to each respective budget to more accurately reflect costs of each Department. He also reported the Committee is considering recommending consolidation of some
Board Committees to cut costs. Jensen then reported on meeting of September 12th, told the Board that the Committee had heard the Sheriff’s union negotiations
had been completed, finished budget work during this meeting. Jensen then presented copies of the budget as compiled by the Committee. (Rex Woods entered the
meeting) After discussion, a motion to tentatively approve the 2006-07 budget as presented and to place that document on public display in the County Clerk’s office
was entered and seconded by Joe Bierman and Dale Haskett. Motion carried on a roll call vote with Orval Walden, Jim Weber, Brian Leffler, Bill Weber, Phil Jensen,
Dale Haskett, Jerome Kistner, Ed Mitchell and Joe Bierman voting yes, Jerry Kinder voting no and Rex Woods voting present.

Building Committee Chairman Phil Jensen told the Board that security gating has been installed in the Courthouse to enable the Courthouse lobby to be secured past
the bathrooms and water fountain. The gating will be used during festivals, etc, when the public uses the bathroom facilities after hours. A motion to approve this
purchase was made and seconded by Jerry Kinder and Brian Leffler, motion carried on a voice vote. Jensen told the Board the local Boy Scout troop has requested
to use the County Board room for their monthly meetings. Motion to approve was made and seconded by Dale Haskett and Jerry Kinder, motion carried.

Ambulance Committee Chair Joe Bierman reported that Zoll Medical Corporation has quoted a cost of $30,278.50 for 3 auto-pulse units for use by the Ambulance
Service. The Committee would recommend purchase with payments split over 3 budget terms. Motion to approve this purchase was made and seconded by Joe
Bierman and Jim Weber, carried on a roll call vote with all members voting yes.

Bierman told the Board that the Service wished to join the Mutual Aid Box Alarm System (MABAS) which is a mutual aid agreement with other Counties. Motion to
approve this agreement was made and seconded by Bill Weber and Joe Bierman, carried on a voice vote.

Ambulance Department Director Galen Mendenhall reported on a growing problem of refusal of service after the Service has been called out. Currently, no fee is
charged for a refusal of service, he told the Board he wished them to consider a fee for that service, charged on a case by case consideration. Chairman Mitchell
remanded the matter to Committee.

EMA Committee Chair Jerome Kistner reported on computer repairs, security will be provided by the service for Fall Festival, the Committee recommends that 3
portable radios be purchased at a cost of $500 per radio, Motion to approve this purchase was made and seconded by Jerry Kinder and Orval Walden, carried on a
roll call vote with all members voting yes.

Kistner told the Board that EMA Director Doug Long has completed all classes offered thru IEMA and FEMA and that a County emergency plan is being formulated.

Animal Control Chairman Jerome Kistner asked the Board for their feelings concerning accepting payment of fees from the public by check. Currently, cash is
required. The Board agreed that payment could be made by check.

Economic Development Committee Chairman Bill Weber reported that the Committee is continuing to work on a full time position and hopes to a full time employee in
place. He said some realignment of the Committee will be needed to reflect the private contributors to this position He told the Board the City of Newton is no longer
being considered for locating the President river boat.

Union Negotiations Committee Chair Joe Bierman reported on the Committee, asked for a closed session to discuss union contract matters. Motion to enter closed
session at 8:35 p.m. to discuss union negotiations was made and seconded by Bill Weber and Joe Bierman, carried on a roll call vote with all members voting yes
save Jerry Kinder who cast a no vote.

A motion to leave closed session at 8:50 p.m. was made and seconded by Rex Woods and Brian Leffler, carried on a roll call vote with all members voting yes.

A motion to ratify a 3 year contract with the Sheriff’s union members, contract to begin December 1, 2006 was made and seconded by Joe Bierman and Rex Woods,
motion carried on a roll call vote with all members voting yes save Dale Haskett who cast a no vote and Jerry Kinder who cast a present vote.

County Clerk’s report was submitted by County Clerk Ray Diel. Motion to approve was made and seconded by Jerry Kinder and Jim Weber, carried on a voice vote.

Chairman Mitchell appointed Don Kraus to a 3-year term as Captain Pond Drainage District Trustee. Motion to approve this appointment was made and seconded by
Brian Leffler and Bill Weber, motion carried.

Chairman Mitchell appointed Raymond Beals to a 3-year term as Mint Creek Drainage District Trustee. Motion to approve this appointment was made and seconded
by Dale Haskett and Jerry Kinder, carried on a voice vote.

Chairman Mitchell appointed Jerome Kocher to a 3-year term as Ste Marie Drainage District Trustee. Motion to approve this appointment was made and seconded by
Rex Woods and Jerome Kistner, motion carried.

A motion to approve the meetings minutes was made and seconded by Jim Weber and Jerome Kistner, carried on a voice vote.

A motion to allow claims was made and seconded by Jerry Kinder and Orval Walden, carried on a voice vote.

A motion to adjourn at 9:05 p.m. was made and seconded by Brian Leffler and Bill Weber; motion carried on a voice vote.

Ray Diel, Jasper County Clerk

Jasper County Board
October 12, 2006

The Jasper County Board met Thursday, October 12, 2006 at 7:30 p.m. with all members present except Rex Woods and Lawrence Pilman.

The meeting was opened at 7:30 p.m. by proclamation of Sheriff Ed Francis. Chairman Ed Mitchell led the members in the Pledge to the Flag, asked for public
comment, there was none. Introduced to the Board was member Phil Jensen’s son Mark who wished to observe the meeting and Harley Watkins, a local Boy Scout,
who attended the meeting as part of a merit badge requirement.

Road and Bridge Committee member Jerry Kinder reported the Shamrock Road bridge construction will begin this month, reported on monthly activities of the
Department. New Solid Waste Dumpster schedules were handed to each member of the Board.

Sheriff’s Committee Chairman Jerry Kinder told the Board the method of accepting bond payment by credit card is now in used, the Committee has discussed
replacement of some areas of flooring at the Jail and also that recent computer problems at that Department will result in $6,475 of expenditures to alleviate.

Finance Committee member Phil Jensen reported for that Committee, told the Board that formal approval of the County fiscal year 2006-07 budget would be tabled at
this meeting and also told the members that Board Chairman Ed Mitchell has been awarded the Chamber of Commerce Citizen of the Year award.

Building Committee Chairman Phil Jensen told the Board that Martinsville Roofing would repair the leaking scupper at the Courthouse sometime this fall and would
examine the roof at the Jail and recommend steps to repair that roof. Some minor vandalism has been reported occurring in the Courthouse elevator, the custodian
and Sheriff will address this problem. He told the Board that doors have been installed in the old bathroom entrances in the Courthouse and that remodel of the
Courthouse lobby and replacement of flooring at the jail were this Committee’s next projects. Jensen told the Board that this Committee had directed the custodian to
investigate installation of venting fans in an area of the jail basement in order to be able to use that area for storage. Steve Jones Plumbing quoted a cost not to
exceed $756.20 to install a ventilation system in that area. Motion to approve that installation was made and seconded by Jerry Kinder and Brian Leffler, motion
carried on a voice vote. Jensen further reported that the lawn tractor at the Courthouse would need repair or trade in the next couple of years. He told the Board that
the Courthouse lawn cannon has been removed for repair and painting. He hopes the cannon will be back on the lawn in time for Veteran’s Day programs. Asked the
Board to approve Veteran’s Day program being held on the Courthouse lawn, motion to approve was made and seconded by Jerry Kinder and Jim Weber carried on a
voice vote.

Ambulance Committee Chair Joe Bierman reported the recently purchase Auto-Pulse units have been delivered and that the Committee is working on an “refusal of
service” call policy.

Animal Control Chair Jerome Kistner told the Board that the animal control officer would begin issuing citations for violation of the rabies control act.

Insurance Committee Chair Phil Jensen told the Board that the County employee health insurance committee is investigating and seeking quotes for health insurance
to try to lower health care costs. Board Chairman Mitchell reported on receipt of tentative worker’s compensation, property-casualty and liability insurance premium
renewal numbers. Quoted premium is $204,104, approximately $4000 less than last year.

Economic Development Chairman Bill Weber reported on progress of the Economic Development position, interviews will begin soon, he felt the position could
possibly be filled in November.

GIS Committee Chair Bill Weber reported that all deliveries of land use layers have been made by Bruce Harris Associates to the Assessor’s office, the Committee is
currently working on licensing agreements with various individuals and entities that wish to access the County’s GIS information system. He told the Board that the
Committee had agreed on various charges and fees, a formal resolution covering these charges will be brought to the Board at a future meeting.

County Clerk Ray Diel submitted County Clerk’s report. Motion to approve this report was made and seconded by Jerry Kinder and Dale Haskett, carried on a voice

Chairman Mitchell appointed Clara Short to a 3-year term to the Jasper County Board of Health, motion to approve this appointment was made and seconded by
Orval Walden and Joe Bierman, carried on a voice vote.

Chairman Mitchell presented a resolution to join the State’s Attorney Appellate Prosecutor as the County has done in the past. Cost being $5,000. Motion to approve
was made and seconded by Joe Bierman and Jim Weber, carried on a voice vote.

Chairman Mitchell presented a resolution of recognition of lifelong County resident Herman Calvert. Motion to adopt this resolution was made and seconded by Brian
Leffler and Jerry Kinder, carried on a voice vote.

A motion to approve meetings minutes as presented was made and seconded by Joe Bierman and Jerome Kistner, carried on a voice vote.

A motion to allow claims against the County was made and seconded by Phil Jensen and Jerome Kistner, carried on a voice vote.

A motion to adjourn at 8:10 p.m. was made and seconded by Brian Leffler and Bill Weber, carried on a voice vote.

Ray Diel, Jasper County Clerk

Jasper County Illinois Board
November 9, 2006

The Jasper County Board met Thursday, November 9, 2006 at 7:00 p.m. with all members present. Sheriff Ed Francis called the meeting to order, Chairman Mitchell
led the members in the Pledge to the Flag. Chairman Mitchell asked for public comment, there was none.

Road and Bridge Committee Chair Lawrence Pilman reported on Department activities, told the Board that Ameren CIPS wishes to construct a new railroad crossing
over the CIPS road, bridge work has progressed. County Engineer Dick Patterson presented the 2007 motor fuel tax maintenance resolution which was adopted on a
voice vote after motion to do so was entered and seconded by Phil Jensen and Lawrence Pilman. Patterson presented the final 2006 expenditure resolution amending
the 2006 motor fuel tax maintenance resolution. Motion to adopt was made and seconded by Bill Weber and Jim Weber, carried on a voice vote. Presented an
agreement for Grove Road District bridge to be placed on January letting. Motion by Bierman and Pilman to approve this agreement carried on a voice vote.
Patterson asked the Board to grant a variance to the County setback ordinance for Autumn Rich on County Road 6. Pilman and Kistner moved and seconded to grant
that variance, carried on a voice vote. Patterson told the Board that Ameren CIPS is in need of a permit to construct railroad crossing over the CIPS Road, Kinder and
Kistner moved and seconded to approve issuance of that permit by the Highway office. Motion carried on a voice vote. Patterson reported to the Board that the
County Highway Materials Tax referendum passed at the November 7 election.

Sheriff’s Committee Chairman Jerry Kinder reported that the ventilation system has not yet been installed in the basement of the jail building, the credit card system
for bail monies is working well and that the computer system at the office needs replaced. SDS Systems of Effingham will replace at a cost of $6,475. Motion to
approve this purchase was made and seconded by Brian Leffler and Jim Weber, motion carried on a roll call vote with all members casting yes votes.

Finance Committee Chair Rex Woods reported that County Clerk Ray Diel has requested transfer of $5,000 in personal property replacement tax monies to the
Recorder’s Storage System Fund. Motion to make that transfer was made and seconded by Jerome Kistner and Jerry Kinder, motion carried on a voice vote. Woods
told the Board the Committee had agreed to again advertise for the County in a tourism magazine in conjunction with the City of Newton. Cost to the County being
$205, contingent upon the City also agreeing to participate. Woods told the Board that the Committee had agreed to pay LEAM participation fee of $4,000 from
Economic Development Fund. Presented resolution concerning setting of fee structure for centerline map information sales by the Assessor’s office. Motion to adopt
that resolution was made and seconded by Bill Weber and Jerry Kinder, carried on a voice vote.

Building Committee Chairman Phil Jensen reported that this Committee is seeking quotes for trade of lawnmower at the Courthouse, are considering future purchase
of a lawn vac. Replacement of flooring at the jail is also being discussed, problems with water leakage at the Courthouse and reimbursement of the custodian for his
use of his personal cell phone for County business will be made. Jensen told the Board that custodian Jesse Watkins has been performing the physical duties of
safety officer such as replacement of lighting, emergency lighting, fire extinguisher upkeep, etc. He told the Board that the Building Committee would recommend that
Watkins be appointed Safety Officer and be paid $1.25 per hour in addition to his regular pay. That additional $1.25 to be paid from Tort or Work Comp Funds.
Motion to appoint Jesse Watkins as Safety Officer and pay him an additional $1.25 per hour for those duties was made and seconded by Rex Woods and Dale
Haskett, motion carried on a roll call vote with all members casting yes votes. Jensen further reported that a local contractor would repair the scupper on the
Courthouse in the near future. Jensen told the Board that a local group has had the cannon from the Courthouse lawn sandblasted and repainted, he thanked that
group for that work.

Ambulance Committee Chairman Joe Bierman told the Board the service is seeking a different supplier for medical oxygen for use by the service.

EMA Committee Chairman Jerome Kistner reported on monthly activities.

Insurance Committee Chair Phil Jensen reported that renewal of County property-casualty and worker’s compensation coverage is needed. The Committee
recommended increasing liability coverage by an additional 4 million dollars. Motion to renew worker’s compensation coverage at a premium of $74,743 with Illinois
Counties Risk Management Trust and property-casualty and liability insurance with additional 4 million dollars of liability coverage at a premium of $131,144 with the
Illinois Counties Risk Management Trust. Premium guarantee for 1 year. Entered and seconded by Phil Jensen and Jerry Kinder, carried on a roll call vote with all
members casting yes votes.

Economic Development Committee Chair Bill Weber reported that interviews for the full time Economic Development Coordinator position through the Extension
Service will begin December 4 and hoped to fill the position in December.

Chairman Mitchell presented the 2006-07 fiscal year budget to the Board for their approval. Motion to approve was made and seconded by Joe Bierman and Bill
Weber, carried on a roll call vote with all members present voting yes.

County Clerk Ray Diel presented his office’ monthly report. Motion by Jerry Kinder and Rex Woods to approve carried on a voice vote.

Chairman Mitchell appointed Paul Woods to a 4-year term as Jasper County Supervisor of Assessments. Motion to approve that appointment was made and
seconded by Bill Weber and Jerome Kistner, carried on a roll call vote with all members voting yes save Brian Leffler who cast a no vote.

Board Member Rex Woods asked the Board to adopt a resolution of congratulations to Newton Masonic Lodge 216 who recently celebrated their 150th anniversary.
Motion to approve was made and seconded by Rex Woods and Phil Jensen, carried on a voice vote.

The Board agreed to hold a re-organizational meeting December 1 at 12:00 noon.

Bill Weber moved and Joe Bierman seconded, to adopt a resolution of thanks to the retiring members of the Jasper County Board for a job well done. Motion carried
on a voice vote.

A motion to make November 30, 2006 payday instead of December 1, 2006 was made and seconded by Jerry Kinder and Brian Leffler. Phil Jensen the entered a
motion to amend that motion to strike all wording and insert “A motion to amend 2007 budgets to reflect the additional pay period in 2007” Seconded by Lawrence
Pilman. The amended motion failed on a roll call vote with all members casting no votes save Leffler who voted yes. The original motion failed on a roll call vote with
Walden, Bill Weber, Leffler, Kinder and Jim Weber casting yes votes, Woods, Jensen, Kistner, Mitchell. Bierman and Pilman casting no votes and Haskett voting

A motion to approve meetings minutes as presented was made and seconded by Joe Bierman and Jerome Kistner, carried on a voice vote.

A motion to allow claims against the County was made and seconded by Phil Jensen and Jerry Kinder, carried on a voice vote.

A motion to adjourn at 8:45 p.m. was made and seconded by Woods and Kistner, carried on a voice vote.

Ray Diel, Jasper County Clerk

Special Meeting, Jasper County Illinois Board
December 1, 2006

The Jasper County Board met in special session for the purpose of organizing for 2006-07. Present were members Ed Mitchell, Everett Miller, Jerry Kinder, Joe
Bierman, Lawrence Pilman, Ron Swick, Danny Kerner, Bill Weber, Jim Weber and Dale Haskett.

The meeting was opened by proclamation of Sheriff Ed Francis; State’s Attorney William R. Hoffeditz led the members in the Pledge to the Flag. The meeting was
called to order by Chairman Pro-Tem Hoffeditz, he requested the County Clerk to administer the Oath of Office to the newly elected members of the Jasper County

After the oath of office was administered and the new members seated, Chairman Hoffeditz asked for nominations for Chairman of the Jasper County Board for a 2-
year term. Joe Bierman then nominated Ed Mitchell; Bill Weber seconded the nomination. Jim Weber and Dale Haskett moved to close the nominations. Chairman
Hoffeditz asked for a voice vote on the motion to close nominations, the motion was declared carried. Chairman Hoffeditz then asked for a roll call vote on the
nomination of Ed Mitchell as Board Chairman. Motion carried with Miller, B. Weber, Kerner, Leffler, Kinder, J. Weber, Swick, Haskett; Smithenry, Bierman and Pilman
casting yes votes, Mitchell voting present. Chairman Pro Tem Hoffeditz then passed the gavel to Mitchell who was seated as Chairman of the Jasper County Board.

Chairman Mitchell then asked for nominations for Vice-Chairman of the Jasper County Board. Jerry Kinder nominated Bill Weber; Lawrence Pilman seconded the
nomination. Joe Bierman and Jim Weber moved the nominations be closed. Chairman Mitchell asked for a voice vote on the closing of the nominations, motion
carried. Chairman Mitchell then asked for a roll call vote on the nomination of Bill Weber as Vice-Chairman of the Jasper County Board. The motion carried with Miller,
Kerner, Leffler, Kinder, Jim Weber, Swick, Haskett, Smithenry, Mitchell, Bierman and Pilman casting yes votes, Bill Weber voting present. Bill Weber was then seated
as Vice-Chairman of the Jasper County Board.

Chairman Mitchell asked the members their pleasure concerning meeting dates and times of the Board. Jerry Kinder and Dale Haskett moved and seconded that the
Jasper County Board meet the second Thursday of each month, 7:00 p.m. standard time and 7:30 p.m. daylight savings time. Motion carried on a voice vote.

Chairman Mitchell then presented Committee assignments, the meeting was adjourned at 12:15 p.m. on a motion and second by Brian Leffler and Mark Smithenry.
The motion carried on a voice vote.

Ray Diel, Jasper County Clerk

Jasper County Illinois Board
December 14, 2006

The Jasper County Board met Thursday, December 14, 2006 at 7:00 p.m. Present were Chairman Ed Mitchell, Ron Swick, Bill Weber, Jim Weber, Joe Bierman, Danny
Kerner, Jerry Kinder, Brian Leffler, Everett Miller, Mark Smithenry and Dale Haskett. Absent was Lawrence Pilman.

The meeting was opened by proclamation of Sheriff Ed Francis; Chairman Mitchell led the members in the Pledge to the Flag. Chairman Mitchell asked for public
comment, there was none.

Chairman Mitchell presented a retirement plaque to retired Board members Phil Jensen, Orval Walden and Jerome Kistner.

Road and Bridge Committee report was submitted by Jim Weber. He reported that rock lettings for 2007 were up approximately 25% over 2006 bids, this Committee
would recommend trade of roller and purchase of trailer to transport that roller. Cost to trade and purchase trailer being $24,400. Motion was made and seconded by
Joe Bierman and Brian Leffler to approve this purchase, motion carried on a roll call vote with all members voting yes. Weber told the Board that a previously
approved bridge replacement project in Grove Road District has been abandoned due to the inability to obtain right of way.

County Engineer Dick Patterson presented an engineering agreement with Charleston Engineering on a bridge in Fox Road District; this bridge project will replace the
Grove project. Motion to approve this agreement was made and seconded by Jim Weber and Mark Smithenry, carried on a voice vote.

Sheriff’s Committee Chair Brian Leffler reported no meeting was held in November.

Finance Committee Chair Jerry Kinder told the Board that his Committee would recommend reinstating a payment to the Sheriff for his statutory duties as County
Director of Safety. Motion to allow a payment for Director of Safety duties to the Jasper County Sheriff in the amount of $1,500 per annum was made and seconded by
Bill Weber and Brian Leffler. Motion carried on a roll call vote with all members casting yes votes.

Kinder further reported that Ambulance Department Director Galen Mendenhall had inadvertently been left out of salary negotiations prior to budget adoption.
Ambulance Committee Chair Joe Bierman came before the Finance Committee and told them his Committee had agreed to and would recommend an increase of
$1,500 per year. Motion by Bill Weber and Joe Bierman to approve this increase carried on a roll call vote with all members voting yes.

Kinder told the Board that Brian Bradbury of Kemper CPA came before the Committee with a proposal for a three-year contract to provide auditing services to Jasper
County. The cost quoted for the first year of the contract would remain the same as last year, $22,500, with a yearly increase of 3% for the next two years of the
contract. Motion by Dale Haskett and Ron Swick to enter into 3 year contract with Kemper CPA to provide auditing services to the County at the above mentioned
costs carried on a roll call vote with all members voting yes.

Building Committee Chairman Dale Haskett reported that this Committee would recommend that a quote from Kirchner Building Center in the amount of $1,398.12 be
accepted for replacement of flooring at the County Jail building. He told the Board that the Committee had approved purchase of cell phone time for the custodian’s
cell phone for use on County business and that his Committee is discussing the Ambulance Department’s housing problems. Motion to approve acceptance of flooring
replacement quote from Kirchner Build Center was made and seconded by Jerry Kinder and Mark Smithenry, motion carried on a roll call vote with all members voting

Ambulance Committee Chair Joe Bierman related to the Board that this Committee had agreed to purchase medical oxygen from Indiana Oxygen Company. Motion to
approve was made and seconded by Jerry Kinder and Joe Bierman, carried on a voice vote. Bierman reported that final ambulance payment has been made and that
the second of 3 payments on the Autopulse equipment has been made.

Economic Development Chairman Bill Weber reported that the long awaited full time Economic Development position would become a reality January 1, 2007. Ken
Larimore has been employed by the University of Illinois to fill that position. Weber further reported on beginning of work on the recently County enacted LEAM project.

Chairman Ed Mitchell presented the 2006-07 fiscal year levy for Jasper County. Motion to adopt as presented was made and seconded by Jerry Kinder and Joe
Bierman, carried on a roll call vote with all members voting yes.

County Clerk Ray Diel presented his office’ monthly report. Motion by Jerry Kinder and Jim Weber to approve, carried on a voice vote.

A motion to approve meetings minutes with correction to Finance Committee minutes noting that the correct recommendation for Safety Officer salary being $1,500
instead of $1,000. Entered and seconded by Jerry Kinder and Bill Weber, carried on a voice vote.

A motion to allow claims against the County was made and seconded by Joe Bierman and Ron Swick, carried on a voice vote.

A motion to adjourn at 8:05 p.m. was made and seconded by Brian Leffler and Mark Smithenry; motion carried on a voice vote.

Ray Diel, Jasper County Clerk

Jasper County Illinois Board
January 11, 2007

The Jasper County Board met in regular session Thursday, January 11, 2207 at 7:00 p.m. with Chairman Ed Mitchell, Ron Swick, Bill Weber, Jim Weber, Brian Leffler,
Danny Kerner, Dale Haskett, Lawrence Pilman, Joe Bierman, Mark Smithenry, Jerry Kinder and Everett Miller present.

Sheriff Ed Francis opened the meeting by proclamation at 7:00 p.m.; Chairman Mitchell led the members in the Pledge to the Flag. Chairman Mitchell asked for public
comments, Larry Casey addressed the Board concerning Ambraw River Tourism Council. Casey gave an update on their activities and a refresher on this
organization’s purpose. Gave a report on hotel-motel tax receipts and the use made of those monies. He told the Board that Jasper County would be one of 6
Counties in the State that will host a Smithsonian Museum exhibit this summer. The exhibit will be displayed at the Masonic Lodge in Newton.

Chamber of Commerce representatives Susan Lindley and Bev Worthey came before the Board to discuss funding issues with the Chamber. A serious shortfall in
funding exists for the coming budget year, presented copies of their budget to the members. They asked the Board to consider anyway possible in assisting the
Chamber with this issue.

Road and Bridge Chair Lawrence Pilman reported on monthly activities, the new roller and trailer have been delivered.

Sheriff’s Committee Chair Brian Leffler reported that flooring is being installed in areas of the jail facility and ventilation system has been installed in the jail basement.

Finance Committee Chairman Jerry Kinder told the Board that his Committee had met with Chamber representatives and discussed the funding issue. He told the
Board that this Committee would recommend purchasing a year’s membership in the Jasper Chamber of Commerce at a fee of $420.00. Lawrence Pilman and Bill
Weber moved and seconded to approve membership in the Jasper Chamber of Commerce for one year at a membership fee of $420. Motion carried on a roll call
vote with all members voting yes.

Kinder then informed the Board that this Committee has discussed at length pay scale and insurance premium contributions for non-union County employees. He told
the Board that the Finance Committee would recommend the Board approve increase of non-union employee pay scale by $.50 per hour and increase the amount of
health insurance premium contribution by the County to $261.00 per month. Effective the 2nd pay period in January. Motion by Brian Leffler and Dale Haskett to
award pay scale increase of $.50 per hour and increase County contribution towards health insurance premium to $261.00 per month for non-union County
employees beginning the 2nd pay period in January. Motion carried on a roll call vote with all members voting yes.

Kinder further reported that Road and Bridge Committee Chairman Lawrence Pilman had appeared before this Committee to report that the State of Illinois had frozen
County Engineer salaries and that Jasper County Engineer Dick Patterson would not receive an increase in pay for 2 years. He told the Committee that the Road and
Bridge Committee recommended an increase in pay of $2,000 per annum for that position. Monies would be paid from motor fuel tax funds. Motion to increase County
Engineer salary by $2,000 per annum was made and seconded by Jim Weber and Mark Smithenry, motion carried on a roll call vote with all members voting yes save
Brian Leffler who cast a no vote.

Kinder also reported that this Committee had approved various County offices obtaining credit cards for their office use.

Board member Pilman excused himself from the rest of the meeting.

Building Committee Chairman Dale Haskett reported that his Committee had received quote from Ron Diel Construction in the amount of $450.00 to replace a window
at the jail. Jerry Kinder moved and Everett Miller second, to approve that quote, carried on a voice vote. Haskett told the Board that St Clair Construction has repaired
the scupper at the Courthouse, some quotes for various repair projects were received but no action taken on those quotes. Haskett further reported that a $2,425
quote from Schilling Bros Equipment for trade of lawn tractors was the low quote received and recommended the Board approve this quote. Motion to accept Schilling
Bros quote of $2,425 for trade for a John Deere lawn tractor was made and seconded by Jerry Kinder and Joe Bierman, motion carried on a roll call vote with all
members present voting yes.

Haskett told the Board that a chipper-bagger implement is being investigated for Courthouse lawn use.

Haskett then reported on an emergency meeting of this Committee January 5th due to a water leak in the roof over the Circuit Clerk’s office in the Courthouse. That
leak has been repaired. He further reported that flooring is being installed at the jail facility.

Ambulance Committee Chair Joe Bierman reported that refund to Medicare due to overpayment has been made, the Committee is investigating purchase of protective
gear for the ambulance employee’s use during emergency.

Animal Control Committee Chairman Jim Weber reported that his Committee had met with citizens concerning a problem with their dog, a solution to that problem was

Insurance Committee Chair Jim Weber told the Board that the County employee health insurance Committee had changed employee health coverage to Blue Cross-
Blue Shield.

Economic Development Committee Chairman Bill Weber told the Board that the full time economic development position began January 1st with Ken Larimore filling
that position. Some adjustments to the Committee organization will be necessary to include private contributors to this project. He told the Board that the LEAM project
would begin in January or February.

County Clerk’s monthly report was submitted by County Clerk Ray Diel. Motion to approve was made and seconded by Jerry Kinder and Mark Smithenry, carried on a
voice vote.

A motion to approve meetings minutes was made and seconded by Jerry Kinder and Dale Haskett, carried on a voice vote.

A motion to allow claims was made and seconded by Jim Weber and Joe Bierman, carried on a voice vote.

A motion to adjourn at 8:20 p.m. was made and seconded by Brian Leffler and Mark Smithenry, carried on a voice vote.

Ray Diel, Jasper County Clerk

Jasper County Illinois Board
February 8, 2007

The Jasper County Board met in regular session Thursday, February 8, 2007 at 7:00 p.m. with all members present save Lawrence Pilman. The meeting was opened
by proclamation of Sheriff Ed Francis at 7:00 p.m.; Chairman Ed Mitchell led the members in the Pledge to the Flag. Chairman Mitchell asked for public comment,
there was none.

Board member Joe Bierman related to the Board that the Illinois Farm Bureau is attempting to stop or amend a Statewide issue relating to septic systems in rural
Illinois. The issue involves licensing and testing of systems already in use, the Farm Bureau believes this would be a financial hardship on rural residents.

Bill Jung, executive director of Rides Mass Transit District came before the Board to explain their mass transit program to the members of the Board. Currently 12 rural
Counties in southern Illinois are members of this district; the program is in place to provide mass transportation to rural areas of the State. The program has been in
existence for 30 years, funded through Federal and State monies. The District is expanding; Richland and Crawford Counties have recently joined the District. Jung
told the Board that Jasper County is being invited to join, bus services would be provided to County residents. He told the Board that the County would not be liable
for any operating or start-up costs, some jobs would be created. A resolution of the Board approving operations of RMTD in Jasper County is needed to begin the
program. A motion was entered and seconded by Joe Bierman and Jerry Kinder to approve the RMTD operation in Jasper County. Motion carried on a roll call vote
with all members present voting yes.

Road and Bridge Committee member Jim Weber reported on monthly activities of the Highway Department, reported that Perry County Construction was low bidder on
the Hunt Road District bridge project at an amount of $140,190. County Engineer Dick Patterson presented resolutions to pay his salary from MFT & Federal monies.
Motion to approve these resolutions was made and seconded by Jerry Kinder and Brian Leffler, motion carried on a voice vote.

Brian Leffler, Sheriff’s Committee Chairman, told the Board that out of County prisoner housing income has been high, the Committee has discussed setting some of
that housing money aside earmarked for jail and building improvements that will be needed in the future.

Finance Committee Chair Jerry Kinder reported that the Committee had met with Circuit Clerk Sheryl Frederick regarding fee charges for Court Automation and
Document Storage purposes in her office. Currently, a $5.00 fee is being charged for those purposes, Frederick told the Committee that up to $15.00 can be charged
and that she wished for the Board to increase the charge to the $15.00. A motion was made and seconded by Bill Weber and Joe Bierman to increase filing fees on all
civil and court appearance filings from $5.00 per filing to $15.00 per filing effective 3-1-07. Motion carried on a voice voter.

Kinder also told the Board that the local Edward D. Jones investment office has offered to replace the current PEBSCO employee investment program with their
program. Some dissatisfaction exists with County employees with the PEBSCO program. Kinder told the Board that a one-time fee of $100 to begin the program is
needed. Motion to approve that $100 fee was made and seconded by Jerry Kinder and Bill Weber, carried on a voice vote.

Building Committee Chairman Dale Haskett reported that Quality Glass has quoted $697.00 to repair and do maintenance on the glass front of the County office
building, a new salt spreader is needed for County building sidewalk salt application during bad weather and that Bob’s Hardware has quoted a cost of $210 to
replace a dehumidifier for use in the basement area of the office building. He told the Board that a request has been made for permission to drill for test samples on
Courthouse property to check for fuel contamination from a nearby gas station, that permission was denied.

A motion to approve Quality Glass quote of $690 for maintenance of the glass fronts at the office building was made and seconded by Joe Bierman and Jim Weber,
carried on a roll call vote with all members voting yes.

A motion to approve Bob’s Hardware quote of $210 to replace dehumidifier in the office building basement was made and seconded by Brian Leffler and Mark
Smithenry, carried on a roll call vote with all members voting yes.

Ambulance Committee Chair Joe Bierman reported that bids would be taken for portable radios, the Ambulance employees thanked the Board for the increase in their
compensation approved by the Board.

EMA Committee Chairman Jim Weber reported on activities of the department, attendance by Coordinator Long at training sessions, asked the Board to approve
Long’s attendance at a conference in April at a cost of $375.00. Motion to approve was made and seconded by Jerry Kinder and Ron Swick, carried on a roll call vote
with all members voting yes. Weber told the Board that this Committee is discussing insurance coverage for volunteer members that are self-employed.

Economic Development Committee Chairman Bill Weber told the Board that the new Economic Development office is open for business, the LEAM project will begin
February 15th.

Chairman Mitchell appointed Jerry Kinder to the Jasper County Board of Health, motion to approve this appointment was made and seconded by Jim Weber and Brian
Leffler, carried on a voice vote.

Chairman Mitchell appointed Don Hickox to the Workforce Investment Board, motion to approve the appointment was made and seconded by Joe Bierman and Everett
Miller, carried on a voice vote.

County Clerk’s monthly report was submitted by County Clerk Ray Diel, motion to approve was made and seconded by Jerry Kinder and Mark Smithenry, carried on a
voice vote.

A motion to enter closed session at 8:15 to discuss property acquisition was made and seconded by Jim Weber and Ron Swick, motion carried on a roll call vote with
all members voting yes.

A motion to leave closed session at 8:45 p.m. was made and seconded by Jerry Kinder and Brian Leffler, motion carried on a roll call vote with all members voting yes.

A motion to approve meetings minutes was made and seconded by Jim Weber and Mark Smithenry, carried on a voice vote.

A motion to allow claims against the County was made and seconded by Jerry Kinder and Mark Smithenry, carried on a voice vote.

A motion to adjourn at 8:50 p.m. was made and seconded by Brian Leffler and Mark Smithenry, carried on a voice vote.

Ray Diel, Jasper County Clerk

Jasper County Illinois Board
March 8, 2007

The Jasper County Board met Thursday, March 8, 2007 at 7:00 p.m. with all members present. The meeting was opened by proclamation of Sheriff Ed Francis;
Chairman Mitchell led the members in the Pledge to the Flag. Chairman Mitchell asked for public comment, there was none.

Road & Bridge Committee Chairman Lawrence Pilman reported on Department activities, told the Board that Ste Marie Road District bridge project has been let for
bids, Perry County Construction was the low bidder at $146,112. Brain Leffler and Ron Swick moved and seconded to approve contract with Perry County
Construction for that project. Motion carried on a voice vote. Pilman then presented a construction engineering agreement with Connor & Connor to provide those
services, motion to approve was made and seconded by Jim Weber and Mark Smithenry, motion carried on a voice vote. Oilman then presented 2007-summer solid
waste schedules.

Sheriff’s Committee Chairman Brian Leffler told the Board that a water heater at the jail has been replaced, window in the office has also been replaced.

Building Committee Chair Dale Haskett reported that repair work on the glass front of the office building has been delayed while waiting on replacement parts, the
Committee will seek quotes for roof repair at the Jail and that plaster repair in Courthouse offices will be done when the Committee is satisfied water problems are

Ambulance Committee Chairman Joe Bierman reported that bids for portable radios were taken, 2 radios have been placed on order from the low bidder, cost being
$516 per radio. Bierman reported that Ambulance personnel would attend a Medicare billing seminar. Motion to approve Ambulance Committee actions concerning
portable radios and seminar attendance was made and seconded by Jerry Kinder and Joe Bierman carried on a roll call vote with all members voting yes.

Joe Bierman and Bill Weber moved and seconded to enter closed session to discuss property acquisition at 7:10 p.m. Motion carried on a roll call vote with all
members casting yes votes save Brian Leffler who cast a no vote.

A motion to leave closed session at 7:35 p.m. was made and seconded by Jerry Kinder and Brian Leffler, carried on a roll call vote with all members voting yes.

A motion to make offer to purchase the John Birch auto repair building in Newton, Il for a purchase price of $267,000. This purchase is on the behalf of the Jasper
County Ambulance Department. Entered and seconded by Bill Weber and Joe Bierman, motion carried on a roll call vote with all members voting yes.

Finance Committee Chairman Jerry Kinder told the Board that the Finance Committee is contemplating designating some monies yearly for future building purposes of
the Sheriff’s Department. He told the Board that the County’s auditor would be contacted concerning this issue for input. Kinder told the Board that this Committee had
held a closed session to discuss property acquisition.

Animal Control Committee Chair Jim Weber told the Board this Committee had met to discuss a problem with a dog kennel in rural Jasper County, the Committee is still
addressing this issue.

Economic Development Committee member Jerry Kinder reported that this Committee had heard a presentation from St Anthony Memorial Hospital representative
concerning activities at their Newton clinic. Told the Board that this Committee will be realigned to include private business owners and that a tour of the GSI plant in
Newton was held. Kinder told the Board that an open house at the new office facility would be held soon.

County Clerk Ray Diel presented his office monthly report. Motion to accept this report was made and seconded by Jerry Kinder and Jim Weber, carried on a voice

A motion to approve meetings minutes was made and seconded by Everett Miller and Jerry Kinder, carried on a voice vote.

A motion to allow claims was made and seconded by Lawrence Pilman and Jim Weber, carried on a voice vote.

A motion to adjourn at 8:00 p.m. was made and seconded by Brian Leffler and Mark Smithenry, carried on a voice vote.

Chairman Mitchell reminded the members that the Board would begin meeting at 7:30 p.m. in April.

Ray Diel, Jasper County Clerk

Jasper County Illinois Board
April 12, 2007

The Jasper County Board met in regular session Thursday, April 12, 2007 at 7:30 p.m. All members were present save Joe Bierman who was absent due to surgery.
The members of the Board wished him well.

The meeting was opened by proclamation of Sheriff Ed Francis at 7:30 p.m.; Chairman Ed Mitchell led the members in the Pledge to the Flag. Chairman Mitchell
asked for public comment, there was none.

Road and Bridge Chair Lawrence Pilman told the Board that the Ste Marie Road District bridge construction was set to begin soon, road oil letting will be April 19 and
County Road 2100 East soil cement project will be let for bids in June.

Sheriff’s Committee Chairman Brian Leffler reported that a drain leak in the basement of the Jail resulted in some damage to foodstuffs stored in the basement, an
inmate has been hospitalized in Springfield, IL and that 6 computers were received through grant funding. Computer worth is $41,000.

Finance Committee Chair Jerry Kinder told the Board that the Committee had discussed enrolling County employees in Land of Lincoln Credit Union but took no
action, Economic Development billing by the University of Illinois Extension service is due and the Committee directed the Clerk to make that payment of $45,000. Told
the Board that an application for tax abatement had been received but the Committee did not consider the application due to the business not qualifying under the
abatement ordinance.

Building Committee Chairman Dale Haskett reported that safety inspections of County buildings has been completed, results being that the County insurance carrier
has asked that additional smoke/heat detectors be installed in the basement of the office building. Barlow Lock and Alarm quoted $349 for that installation. Dale
Haskett and Jerry Kinder moved and seconded to approve that quote for installation by Barlow, motion carried on a voice vote. Haskett further reported that wiring for
an air conditioning unit in the Circuit Clerk’s office will be done, estimates for roof repair at the jail have been received, other quotes are being sought. Told the Board
that lights have been replaced in the State’s Attorney’s office in the Courthouse.

Ambulance Committee report was submitted by Committee member Ron Swick in the absence of Committee Chair Joe Bierman. Reported on activities of the
Department, told the Board that a full time paramedic is going to go to part time status, a full time paramedic will be hired. Told the Board that the closing date on the
purchase of the Birch building is June 1.

EMA Committee Chairman Jim Weber reported on radio purchase, adding weather alerts to the paging system and text messaging service to the Coordinator’s cell
phone at a cost of an additional $5.00 per month. A new computer and printer has been received from IESM at no cost to the service, the printer is a plotter-printer, it
has been installed in the Supervisor of Assessment’s office. He told the Board that the Coordinator and 3 EMA volunteers have or would attend classes. A motion was
made and seconded by Jim Weber and Jerry Kinder to approve the change to the cell phone contract to add paging service and increasing the reimbursement to
Coordinator Doug Long for the additional $5.00 per month cost. Motion carried on a voice vote.

Board Chairman Ed Mitchell reported on meeting with Jim Szredinski, ICRMT Safety Coordinator, concerning crisis management in County government.

Economic Development Chair Bill Weber told the Board this Committee is working on re-alignment of the membership of the Committee to include private citizens who
have donated to the effort to provide full time Economic Development services. Told the Board a LEAM meeting will be held April 20, 2007 at the Community Center
and invited all to attend. Reported on open house ceremony at the Economic Development office April 4th.

Chairman Mitchell appointed Ross McClane and Paul McClure to 3-year terms to the Wade Fire District Board of Trustees. Motion by Jerry Kinder and Lawrence
Pilman to approve these appointments carried on a voice vote.

County Clerk Ray Diel submitted County Clerk’s monthly report. Motion to approve was made and seconded by Jerry Kinder and Lawrence Pilman, carried on a voice

Motion to approve meetings minutes was made and seconded by Jerry Kinder and Bill Weber, carried on a voice vote.

Motion to allow claims against the County was made and seconded by Jim Weber and Lawrence Pilman, carried on a voice vote.

A motion to adjourn at 8:05 p.m. was made and seconded by Brian Leffler and Danny Kerner; motion carried on a voice vote.

Ray Diel, Jasper County Clerk
Jasper County Illinois board meeting minutes June 2005 thru April 2007